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What's up with her?


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I am in love with this girl she is my co-worker but at present i only see her for 4 or 6 hours a week. I have told her about my feelings and she hasn't replied back. Whenever i say that i love her she just smiles and doesn't say anything. But for the last month i dont know what's wrong with her cuz like one day she wont talk to me at all and the other day she laughes and tells me things and stuff as usual and somedays she ignores me the whole time. I dont know what's going on? when i ask she says she is fine.

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I had a male friend, we were getting along GREAT! but then he told me his real feelings about me and that he loved me... I was shocked!! I didnt know how to act towards him after that, it was like I wanted to be friendly and talk to him, but then again I didn't wanna give him false impressions that I was interested in him the same way he was interested in me. I even told him from the start that we could only have a friendship, but yet he let his feelings get in the way... We are no longer friends although we do speak to each other when we see each other out... When the feeling isnt mutual then let it go!! I know that from experience, if she even liked you, she would have said something when you said you loved her... Think of it this way, she talks to yah because she wants to be nice not because she is interested...

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SweetGemini gave you excellent advice.


This girl is not really interested and she does not have the communication tools/skills to set the boundaries with you that she wants. If you do get something going with her, it will be as a default.. and she will leave as soon as someone she really wants comes along.



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