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How do i earn respect among my peers?

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how do i get respect from people? my main problem... i can talk when i want to..but usually.. i dont want to talk.. i get scared easily.. people dont think badly of me.. at least i dont think so.. its jus i never talk to them.. just people in my classes and everything..


i need to make a name for myself.. im getting sick of not trying anything and goin through the usual routine DAY by DAY...


i need someones help.. i need help getting respect from everyone..

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Do what you are best at. Focus on your strengths.


Maybe you aren't talking because you don't like the situation you are in? Maybe you love music, or sports, or filmmaking, and those are the people you would open up to.


I find that I'm very quiet at work. Put me in a group of Pastors or Filmmakers and I never shut up. I love theology and I love filmmaking.


So, find your niche.

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Hey guys,


Most of the posters in this topic are still in High School.


Which is quite the difficult time. You dont know who you are, who to fit in with, what to wear , what to say, how to act. Oh it is so confusing.


Just remember to be yourself. If someone doesnt like you for who you are, then they honestly arent worth your time.


Once you get out of High School and transition into college the skys will clear and you will slowly but surely learn who you are, who you like to hang out and so many more things about yourself.


Dont worry, this weird phase of not knowing who you are will one day end, and you wont have to worry about what to say, who to be with and how to act.

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i need help getting respect from everyone..


Unfortunately, not everyone in your life is going to like you. Some may not even respect you (through no fault of your own -- it's just human nature). The fact of the matter is they should at least be civil to you, whether it be at work or play. Don't try to get the respect of "everyone" you come in contact with because it just doesn't exist. There are too many character traits and flaws in personality for this to be a reality.


Some things you CAN focus on to give you better results:


- Share new and exciting experiences with close friends.


- Set a good example for others (especially younger siblings) by doing things such as volunteering in your community.


- Have a strong sense of self-worth and self-respect.


- Increase control over your life and its direction.


- Achieve personal growth and progress toward one's goals.


Good Luck.



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