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Looking for replies from women/girls ONLY please

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I'm sure this question has been asked a good amount, but i'd like to hear what girls have to say about it.


Does sex feel better for girls when the guy has a big penis?


If you were dating a guy and saw he had a small penis, would you consider leaving him?


Is it all about how you use it, and size doesn't matter at all?


And anything else you'd like to add in.



I'm 19 and yet to have a girlfriend...or even kissed a girl, but would really like to find a nice girl. And no, i'm not just dying to get laid, i want to have sex with someone I love. I'm just a little concerned that if i get into a relationship with a girl and the pants come off and i can't pleasure her at all. I really am more interested in giving her a good time than myself, even though i haven't gotten a chance yet, and am concerned that i won't be able to pleasure a girl that i love. It's about 5" long from the base and 4"-something wide. It's embarrassing,a nd the only thing i can tell myself to make me feel slightly better is that it will be hard to hurt her....


I'd like answers from women and not men who just think bigger is better always.

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Personally, For me.. size doesnt matter... Although I Don't think I would enjoy having sex with a guy who is "hung like a horse" so to speak LOL. Anyway.. as most people say, it's all in how you use it.I feel this way, if I have something special enough with someone to have sex with them. The size of the guys penis is going to be the last thing on my mind. just my .02 though. Hehe.



!-Mythical Suicide-!

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I had two long serious relationships, one that I am currently in. So I have had sex with 2 guys who had drastically different sizes. The first guy was at least 8", huge and it hurt, and I never did enjoy it. The guy I am with now is smaller then 8, he is 5 or 6ish I would say. He is wonderful, and it actually feels a lot better because he knows what he is doing.


Big is not always the best.


If you really feel insecure make yourself feel better by being great at oral sex. My boyfriend was a little intimidated when I told him about my ex, but at least he can say he can so things the other guy never could. Makes him feel better =) Plus its great for the girl, as many don't get off from penetration.

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My first bf was about average size and my current bf is larger. I agree - size doesnt matter, its all in knowing what your doing. It hurt with my current bf and sometimes still does. But i didnt experiance any pain with my ex. Both were good lovers. So no, if you know what you are doing (and sometimes even if you dont), size doesnt matter.

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one last question, but first, thank you for the replies, i just wanted to know what girls thought about the issue.


Just wanted to know if you can do everything that's required with a 5" or so member. I don't claim to know much about sex, because i've never had it or even kissed a girl, but i hear talk about the G-spot....is that hard to reach?


If i get a g/f and she doesn't mind the size then I won't mind it, but i was just worried that sex wouldn't be as good for her with a smaller penis. And making her feel good is really the whole point, because otherwise you're basically treating her like you do your hand when you masturbate, and that's not the point of sex...it's mutual. But thank you for the encouraging replies. If girls don't care then i don't mind.

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hey, im not really credible since I'm a virgin also, but personally I find that oversized "members" are quite a turn off, so I wouldn't worry about it at all. Also, keep in mind that just as guys have differing sized penises, the, um, 'depth" of a girl also differs greatly- there are alot of girls who simply physiologically don't have room for a massive penis, so it would make sex fairly unpleasant for them (or so I hear from all the other chicks out there, Also, since your concerned with giving the girl a good time I'm sure you'll be a quick study and will have things pretty well figured out quickly. Good luck with it all!

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i can say that i wouldnt find too large a penis comfortable anyway. i know that the man im with now is deffinitley above average, and some things i do find uncomfortable or find myself taking time to adapt to different things and pleasure.


i think to be honest its if a man is comfortable and happy enough with his manhood that counts, i woldnt want my man to be ashamed nor would i want him to show it off as the ost important factor. i think its how a man can use it (when required as its not the main aspect within a relationship) and is he is happy within himself.


as for the g-spot, i would say its the simplest thing to find. some times it makes you wonder if you should keep looking even if its a great feeling, because maybe it gets better.

usually women dont say, find th g-spot or are too bothered.

so i wouldnt worry too much about that one.




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