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Should I wait for him or move on?

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It has been at least a month since my ex broke up with me and I dying to get him back. He says that he needs more time to think but doesnt know what he wants but still thinks that we have a chance of getting back together. I told him I could give him time but I feel like I am just waiting around for nothing. I'm on day 3 of no contact which is killing me enough but I also have to see him everyday at school so I dont know how to act around him. Us just being friends is hard because I dont want him treating me like everyone else and I dont want to hide my true feelings for him. The way he acts sometimes around makes me get the impression that I'm wasting my time waiting for him to make up his mind because I dont if he'll have enough courage to say to me that he wants to get back together but he knows that I want to. How long should I wait before I should realize that I am waiting for nothing or just give up now? If I just move on now how should I go about it and should I tell that I am?

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I guess I can stop waiting now, after thinking that my ex and i could back together i guess we are not anymore. i know that i shouldnt have but i talked to him today at school just to let me know if i waiting for nothing or if we still have a chance. He kept trying to play around and making me wait till the end of the day when he said that he just wanted to be friends cus he didnt want to have a girlfriend at the moment. Now I feel stupid for thinking he wanted to back together and i dont think i be just friends or maybe that will help change his mind. If he doesnt change his mind I dont know how to get him?

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