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I can't decide on what's going on. It's been almost a week and I haven't gotten a single phone call or text from this guy I have been flirting with. We even flirted a little tonight, but I got there really late so he left soon after. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong?


Is it really that big of a deal to text or call a girl?

I don't want a relationship right now. I'm just looking for a flirting friend or just a friend, really...


Why do guys not call or text girls?


*Even though he STILL flirts with me after I gave him my number.*


I'm completely stumped. What else can I do? I could always step up my game and flirt more, which now that I think of it... I should do that. I don't flirt as much as he has.


Help? ](*,)

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Maybe he isn't interested? Or doesn't think you are? So maybe you have to ask him for a date? Or show some interest?


One of my friends that works with him says he flirts a lot with me and doesn't do that with other girls that come in there. So I can't completely go with he isn't interested. I know he isn't a shy guy, just by the way he flirts with me. I know he just got Sales Manager at the gym so maybe he has been busy? I have no clue and it's bugging the hell out of me!!!

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Maybe it's because you are only interested in him right now. If you expand your horizons and find another man who can hold your interest this man will not be so important to you.


Have you ever been drawn to a person, and they won't leave your mind? No matter what you do, they can make you the happiest person alive just by smiling at you? That's how he makes me feel and I don't know why!!!

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Have you ever been drawn to a person, and they won't leave your mind? No matter what you do, they can make you the happiest person alive just by smiling at you? That's how he makes me feel and I don't know why!!!


Yes, this has happenned to me. I didn't make my best decisions in that state either.

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Yes, this has happenned to me. I didn't make my best decisions in that state either.


So what SHOULD I do? I can't let him go... I've tried. I even had this guy who I used to have a crush on try talking to me but all I could think about what my crushes smile... I barely know him and he's ruining my life. Haha. I just don't know what I can or should do now? I can't just sit around and do nothing about this but I don't wanna do something that will ruin everything.

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So what SHOULD I do? I can't let him go... I've tried. I even had this guy who I used to have a crush on try talking to me but all I could think about what my crushes smile... I barely know him and he's ruining my life. Haha. I just don't know what I can or should do now? I can't just sit around and do nothing about this but I don't wanna do something that will ruin everything.


How about working out at a different time until you get over it?

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If the scales of it feeling good were not tipping towards it not feeling so good we wouldn't be discussing it, right?


Actually, I'm don't think it's really tipping towards the "not feeling so good"... I think I'm just confused on what to do. He isn't like any guy I've ever really wanted to flirt with, and this was the first time for me to give out my number. I haven't dated very many guys and rarely flirt with someone that I don't intend on dating... So all this is just new, very new for me.

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Actually, I'm don't think it's really tipping towards the "not feeling so good"... I think I'm just confused on what to do. He isn't like any guy I've ever really wanted to flirt with, and this was the first time for me to give out my number. I haven't dated very many guys and rarely flirt with someone that I don't intend on dating... So all this is just new, very new for me.


If I could go back in time and refrain from taking action at the points in my life I was confused I would do so in the blink of an eye. Since you have no real ties with this man you can solve your confusion on your own by staying away from him.

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I don't want a relationship right now. I'm just looking for a flirting friend or just a friend, really...


Why do guys not call or text girls?


*Even though he STILL flirts with me after I gave him my number.*


I'm completely stumped. What else can I do? I could always step up my game and flirt more, which now that I think of it... I should do that. I don't flirt as much as he has.


Help? ](*,)


Ur not in a relationship with him. your flirting with him and he may be considered a friend.


It seems as if you should be happy, u have what u want...


What else can you do... to get him to start texting or calling you?


How about ask him to hang out sometime or to call you sometime?


if u guys go hang out and he had fun he will prob txt or call u to do it again?

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I'm just going to let it go for now. I think what's keeping me stuck on him is the fact that I put myself out there (by giving him my number) and he didn't call or text me. I won't move the time I always go to the gym or anything, and I don't mind flirting with him there, either. I think it's all been in my head. Haha Thanks for everyone's help!!!!

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