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You've probably heard this alot, but please read!


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My ex and I still kinda see each other and stuff, but we are not officially back together. I still have feelings for him and I know he still has them for me. Anyway we broke up in August and we started to talk and see each other again in October. Since then we have been having sex, well we recently had sex on Jan. 14, it was unprotected and I know for a fact that some of his semen stayed inside of me. About a week later I started to feel really sick, and just plain weird. I noticed that I started to bleed a little, I was due for my period right around this time, but I bled very little and it only lasted for three to four days. No matter what my period has always been very,very heavy and for 7 days. Now almost four weeks later I have a doctors appointment scheduled for this friday, and my ex is going with me(what a guy!) but I am really scared any advice? Could I possibly be pregnant?[/b]

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I'm not very sure about it. It is a wise choice that you choose to see a doctor. You should have seen the doctor about two or three weeks ago. Anyway, try to be calm. There are ways to deal with this matter and you really have to seek for the doctor's advice. Don't wait anymore, if you are too afraid to see the doctor, go and get a pregnancy test kit as soon as possible. Of course the safest way is too see the doctor. All the best to you!!!

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