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Time does help slowly with regards to ex's....

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Hey everyone...

Just a little bit of advice for people out there trying to get over a break-up.. Time does heal wounds. And the no contact works wonders..

My ex broke up with me about 6 months ago after a 3 year relationship and she started dating someone about a week after. I hurt alot at first but time does help. I did the beggin', pleading at first with no luck then cut off contact completely.The best thing I did.. I won't lie to everyone, but I still think about her often because we went out for so long and lived together for over 2 years and miss her.But I have realized that maybe we are not meant for each other. I work at city hall and my ex stopped by the office today to pay a parking ticket and she stopped by to say hi... I was shocked at first but didn't have that feeling like I did when we first broke.Maybe it's the fact that she gained 15 pounds or so..and I'm in better shape than before the break up..he he he..

Anyways the point is that the no contact thing and time does really help alot. I mean I still love her but accepted it all.

Good luck to all

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That's great - it makes my heart warm to see an ex looking like crap after a breakup, when I'm looking hot. (Little secret laugh to ourselves.) It sounds like you are doing wonderful in the healing process. I'm working on it. Hearing that other people can do it gives me hope.

Thanks for the giggle.

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hey bubbamackdaddy69,


I remember your posts from when i used to post, we both lost our exs around the same time and mine too started to date someone else just 2 weeks after. Yeh just telling everyone else, that time does really heal, its been a bit different for me since i can never get real no contact, but it does help so much. Its funny really since my ex has contacted me tonight, and i too am not really bothered by it. Don't get me wrong but i'm not fully recovered but as time goes by you slowly realise that letting go isn't the worst thing in the world, you can live without them. Glad to hear that you are doing much better, i'm coping too.


Goodluck everyone else recovering from a break up, its hard but it takes time, just remember that.

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