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Bleeding During Sex (please reply only if you can help me)

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Me and my b/f have been having sex for about a month. The first few times I didnt bleed but then after he popped my cherry, ever since then I have been bleeding during sex. It is not painful and I dont notice it until it gets all over him and me both. I am 15 years old and I am scared I may have cervical cancer b/c that is one of the symptoms. I need to see a doctor but my parents do not know about us having sex. How can I get to a doc w/o them knowing? Should we stop having sex until I know what is wrong w/me? It isnt a STD b/c I am his 2nd sexual partener and the 1st they were both virgins and he is the only guy Ive been with. Please help me as fast as possible! Im scared to death!

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Hi swimchick


It is VERY unlikely you have cancer at your young age. Perhaps your hymen was not completely burst after the first time you had intercourse, so that each time you have sex you are losing a little bit more. Are we talking a lot of blood, or just a little?


You definitely should stop having sex for awhile until you know whats going on. Maybe you have an irritation or a cut inside your vagina. Or its possible it could be an STD (but I don't think so). Stop having sex for at least a week or two. Then see what happens. If the bleeding continues after that, you definitely should see a doctor.


I hope things improve for you in a hurry!


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It could just be a minor infection that can be easily cured with antibiotics. You should see a doctor. This is one of the risks with having sex. If you don't want to tell your parents, then you are probably not mature enough to be having sex anyway.

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