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Why do people say being in love is painful and dangerous?


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I also heard that it makes you do stupid things, like what?


Or that you don't eat for a few days? I don't understand why.


Anyone who has been 'in love' tell me what you were experiencing. I'm curious


Why? Well it's painful because you can't explain or predict it. You can be soo in love with whom ever and the next day it can be over just like that. In an instant. Doesn't even have to be a warning involved. Then you end up crushed and on here posting about it.


Not sure how love can be dangerous unless you're mentally unstable or fall in love with a serial killer and break their heart. As far as stupid things, I don't know about that. Crazy, yes.

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What a good thread, but it seems weird that the OP has not experience this before..


Yes Love has mostly been pain for me and a struggle, but it is also beautiful and exciting and can make you feel very happy. My diet is very affected with such things! I have lost weight, as in stones, through heaertbreak, but also through excitement of being/falling in love! its the butterflies. When you get the butterflies and/or cant eat cause you are thinking about someone, you know your in love.


But yes it can feel dangerous and I for one have been very afraid of it before, but you cannot help yourself free-falling once you have started to fall. lol

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What a great post by Imprecision, that is very very true. I think Im falling in love, with my best friend, after a year of being close friends. I feel ordinarily comfortable with him and when I go over to his house, I dont even feel like I ever wanna leave, lol. And for once in my life, I havent been talking to anyone about how I feel, we have spoken to each other only really and are taking it slow to see what happens.

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