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Ive been "seeing" a guy now since about September. Its normally very playful and flirtatious, but although we have kissed a few times recently, nothing more has really happened....yet. I say yet because it was certainly a possibility. I thought above all we were developing a really nice friendship. We connect well and are very open with each other and he has shared alot of personal stuff with me.

He is now blowing very hot and cold. Affectionate but ambivalent on minute, then disappears for days with no contact, then a strange text. Suddenly. And its driving me mad. I feel like he's playing with my head. Help!

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If he didn't like you - in whatever way - he wouldn't have opened up to you. And if he was only after one thing, I'd imagine he'd have lost interest by now.


He might have issues. If he's been hurt in the past by someone close, then he might be scared of letting his guard down around you because it'd hurt too much if you ever left him. He might also be scared you don't like him as much as he likes you...? But I'm not a guy so I can't say.


If you think he's worth it, be patient with him! Though I dare say you might need a lot of patience.

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