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Need your help boys!!

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Hey everyone,hope this is posted in the right place!!


Fella's i need your urgent attention to this post.


If you are into having a girl dress up in naughty outfits for you,what are your preferences??-


Naughty school girl


naughty nurse


french maid






ive done the 'french maid' thing before,but just outta interest wanted to know what you guys think?


If there are any others then please feel free to write em' down!

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i know from me and my boyfriend point of view, we joked around with the naughty school girl / boy and well that was ok.

but if you want to hit the nail on the head...try kinky police officer, now that turns heads *winks*


trust me girl, you get attention, you get the nadcuffs and you get to be the one in demand (if you like it that way)


but yeah it was and is deffinitley a hit!





your right it may be so that a school girl is under age and thereforeeee shouldnt be used within the site of a sex icon, however, usually people who do do this are around the age of twenty, schoolings over and the whole deal is to step back and act like a rebelious child.


so thereforeeee, some men do go after school girls but that is a completely different post, and no its not that girls like this idea of older men on younger women, the role is played as a pair!


girls and WOMEN are thereforeeee not thick but just trying to turn men on in different aspects (generally if we were to get technical all these questions would be put upon men because its you getting turned on by it)!



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i would suggest dressing up like a hooker...


And dont you think it's a bit pervy and pedo minded to want to dress up like a "Naughty school girl?"

I thought school girls wernt old enough to have sex??

So does this act prove that men wanna have sex with underage school girls?And that girls like the idea?


Don't you understand the lure of the forbidden, and the contrast between a guy who really WANTS a schoolgirl, and who wants to relive his school years with a mature woman? Come on, just because a guy wants to see his girl dressed up as something to bring him back to his school days when he liked schoolgirl outfits on schoolgirls doesn't mean he wants a schoolgirl per se today, only that he wants to get the thrill he couldn't at 15 or 16. There's nothing wrong with a bit of roleplaying when that's all it is - adding a spark to the fantasy aspect of sex. Generally the whole POINT of roleplaying is just that - fantasy, not something you want per se in REALITY.


And be real - there are plenty of guys who would LOVE their girls to "act like a hooker" as long as it's exclusively with them.


It's not like plenty of you guys have the best rep for being faithful either, so why is it that guys are praised for what women are denigrated for?


Wake up, it's not the early 1900's. Until you can show me the male of the species has any better track record than the female, don't stand in judgement on us.


Guys are so DENSE!!

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No woman ever turns me on....and never will.



My point is that i find women dressing up like a school girl preety sick,but if you women like doing that then fine!



Morrigan-"The lure of the forbbiden?"

Yea,that place usualy lands u in jail...



U women dress up like school girls,but you cant see how that is wrong..

Thats your problem not mine

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The only problem is when it's a "necessity" and no longer just "fun" and the lines between spicing up and what he/she really wants blur.


As long as I was confident it didn't indicate that I was just a "substitute" for that schoolgirl and the guy just wanted to see me in a short skirt and bobby socks, no harm done. (now if he wants me to call him daddy - I'd say we got ISSUES!)


'Sides - most of the girls who play movie schoolgirls are MUCH older and promote looking at younger females in a sexual manner - I figure a guy who really WANTS a younger woman is going to do just that - look for a girl, not be content with the occasional roleplaying fun and games in the bedroom. I've known no few guys who had the schoolgirl outfit fantasy - and who were completely turned off by the thought of actually being with a schoolgirl, just like a guy who might want his gf to dress as a hooker doesn't really want to go out and buy one - just live the fantasy of HIS girl acting like one for a few hours.


*sighs* come on honey, where's your sense of adventure? I'd hate to have bought the fuzzy handcuffs here for nothing...

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So it's a fantasy for these men am i right?

So its there fantasy to fantize about there g/f dressed as a school girl?Do you see my point?

It's a FANSTASY.....

So there fore it's on there mind,they like the idea,if' it's a fantasy then the've obviously thought about that fantasy before(Sexing up schoolgirls)..

Your explanations have not been good enough to change my mind.

There just excuses for a strange way of passing time with a partner.

My opinion still stands

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Nonono, we're at cross purposes here...


When guys are school age - their "sex objects" so to speak are schoolgirls. They're older - and no longer want a "schoolgirl per se" but the clothing on their partner can still be exciting, because of past associations. They don't want the young girl that's inside the clothing anymore - but want their OWN girl in the same outfit, which they find sexy. Think of it as "window dressing" and appearance, like a silk teddy, a leather brassiere, a cowgirl outfit, a cheerleader outfit - it's clothes they find sexy because of the association, even a long past association, it's no longer the young and immature girl in the clothing they want - they just want their partner in something they FIND sexy and different from whatever has become "typical" for them.

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If my man tells me he's seen an outfit on a woman he thinks I'd look hot in and wants me to wear it for him - it better be me he wants, and not the woman he saw in that outfit. (or he'll be missing certain body parts)


If it's really the woman (or girl) in the outfit he wants - he's not going to be with me, he's gonna be chasing HER.


Read up on statistics and psych - most pedophiles are incapable with older women - because it's the actual young GIRL they want, and the outfit is immaterial.


If the outfit, any outfit really, is a requirement - it's a problem. Period. Because then it's NOT the woman in front of him the guy wants, it's what's represented to him as the only thing that "turns him on."


If it's an occasional thing and it's just the outfit - the woman he's with turns him on, and he likes to play dress-up and see how hot she looks in different "guises." Most people into roleplaying don't have just one they like, it's a variety, and it's still the woman underneath that's the attraction.


Have you really never fantasized about seeing a particular woman in something different than what she's wearing? It's still THAT woman you'd like to see dressed up in something different, regardless of where you see the outfit.

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so Music is the key, do you fantasize about women? because if you don't then we don't have to question your sexuality. i take it that you do not like women at all and don't want any form of relationship with them. i don't know how you can understand what the Morrigan has said "to a degree". her explanations have been very clear and accurate.

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im still vouching for the police officer.


but still in music_is_the_key's deffense i think he has got the point right on the whole aspect of peadophiles etc, but you have to also realise that it is just what people do as a pleasure, through trust together.


on other hands the morrigan is very accurate as said above.


still opinions are opinions right, and sexuality doesnt need to be brought into really does it??


still POLICE WOMAN get him in that cel *winks*



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Well if i had to have a girl dressed up, i'd have her dress up as a football player (those sexy legs ) or the police officer sounds good.


I suppose everyone has their own preferences on what they like to see women drest in.


That's what i like anyway...


-[ kamui ]-

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