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HELP this is important to me and urgent


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I am aware of how silly this sounds. I consider myself a mature intelligent woman, but when it comes to romance, etc. I feel inexperienced and awkward.


I am in med school and I have flirted with a certain peer pretty harmlessly- in my opinion, was a normal amount of friendly single-type flirting (I hope that makes sense)


Last time we talked, I said he should try coming to lecture (he never does)


Then today, he walk in to class all dressed up (for him- button down, gelled hair, nice watch and belt) and walks right up to me with a huge playful smile and says, "I'm here let's see hat the hype is about, etc.'


He sat rght be hind me, we talked playfully about silly stuff for maybe five minutes. I turned around and he tapped my should with his penci gently and said really confidently, "Give me your phone number' I gave it right away, and he wrote it down, then we just talked a little more. He even came back for the lecture after lunch and stopped by my chair to say hi again (really out of character for this aloof slacker-type fellow)


Truth is, I've been attracted to him since I first met him- his eyes are mesmorizing and he i strong and sexy. But I'm a shy/silly type. I've nevr had a serious relationship, only fleetying adolescent phases.


Are his actions significant? Do they mean he is interested? ALso, his b day is in two days. considering our short 'friendship' (is u can call it that, just know eachothe at school), and that we're both single (I'm 90 percent sure hes single), would it be god or bad to get him an innocent bday gift? would itbe too forward? I appreciate any advice.


For people interested, hes a scorpio, im a cancer


Thank you so much for any advice

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I think it would be a huge mistake to buy him anything. He is someone you know slightly, buyinh him a gift would be too obvious, it would be throwing yourself at him.

While he does enjoy ubeing around you this could be a million different things.

I remember from my college days being thrilled that a cute guy flirted with me only to see him date someone else. I guess he knew I was interested and as I wasn't cool or in the in crowd he went for something a bit more trouble.

Enjoy it for what it is but let him chase you and be careful.

Don't buy him anything, he won't like you for it.

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i would definitely say he's interested. i certainly hope he's single if he's asking you for you phone number!


i'd say leave the ball in his court - he asked for your number now let him call. about the b-day present, i'd say it is too soon. get to know him better. just tell him happy birthday!

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thank you so much y'all. your quick and thoughtful advice is just what I needed- that's what I thought.


God bless you all.


Also, Cassiana, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that happened here. He seems to like this other girl in our class a lot, and she is WAY hotter than me.


Thanks a lot everyone

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I tell you what...if I was a girl and this slacker-type guy walked up to me with his hair all slicked backed, wearing fancy clothes, and saying "I'm here lets see what all the fuss is about", I would probably burst out laughing (with him, not at him). I think that is really funny of him and shows that he has got a good sense of humor. I would say his actions are probably significant. I mean, I have kind of the same humor, a dry-wit with subtle statements that entice laughter (and I also happen to be a bit of a slakcer myself). Some guys don't go for the whole serious attitude when they want a girls number, mostly because they might feel a little uncomfortable. If I were to ever ask for a girls number (and everytime that I have), I try to do it in a funny way. I don't think there is anything wrong with getting him a little innocent bday gift. Even just a funny card would be cute. Nothing to big though. Just something small so that he knows you remembered. I think he would really like that. So go ahead, take a chance. Enjoy yourself. Sounds like a harmless guy.

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