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Heeellppp me!


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Please i need some help...I was in an abusive relationship for 3 1/2 years and now i have finnally left him for good. But he doesnt seem to want to leave me alone. I have switched of my phone so he wont be able to call. But today he has called my dad and complained about me. I have explained to my parents..they are well..neutral about it..not much supportive. But im afraid this is not the last from him. Im scared and restless. I dont know what he might do next. What would he do? How do I deal with this? He has come unpredictable so i really dont know who to antecepate his next move. Can someone tell me..out of their experience...what happens?

thank u soooo sooo much..i apperciate it.

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Go to your local courthouse and visit the Dept. of Domestic Battery. If you are from a smaller area go to a magistrate court or whatever court system you have. File a legal and binding restraining order which should not allow him to contact you, be within 1000 feet of you, or contact your parents.


Explain the abuse you endured in detail to your parents to make an impression upon them as to why you want away from him.


Keep a note book log of every time he tries to contact you and violates the restraining order. Since you were in a relationship you may qualify for a domestic violence petition. These carry much more weight and deny the person who the DVP is filed against from carrying a weapon.


Prepare your house. Light up the outside, put an alarm in your car that sense motion. Put door blocks and dead bolts on every window. If you are comfortable with firearms go to your local Sheriff's Dept. or Law Enforcement Agency and inquire about going through a concealed weapon and basic firearm class. This class will teach you the anatomy and physiology of a weapon, how to use it, and when to legally use it to protect yourself. Always keep a cell phone with you while your in your house. If he were to cut your phone lines to make entry into your house and your phone is in your car, your gonna want it.


Consider an alarm for your house as well. The main thing is to not be a victim. Fight back, you control your future. Troop.

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