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Suggestions for times when you're low


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Haha yeah, allowing yourself to cry every once in awhile does wonders for your mood I find. And personally I'd prefer a man who, you know, actually DOES have emotions as opposed to some unfeeling jerk who jumps from one relationship to another shouting "next!".


And laughter definitely is the best medicine. Watching funny shows or videos is great, they remind us that we don't always have to take life so seriously.


Maybe I should try some herbal tea now... lol.

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Going out for a car ride. I usually hate driving. But lately I don't mind making the hour and a half trip to see a friend.


Wasting time watching tv shows on link removed. I've been doing a marathon of "It's always sunny in Philadelphia". Haha that show is too much.


Eating/drinking stuff that are supposed to be good for you. Green tea, brown rice, Cheerios, spinach, fruits. Oh, I've been doing the fish oil too. Need the omega 3's.


Hiking or going to beach and exploring the tide pools.


Pfff, my ex breaking up with me might be a blessing in disguise.

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Whenever you want to cry about it, just let it out. Cry your heart out, cry your heart & soul. It will do you good, getting things out of the bottle. But you must never do is keep it all bottled up. It may turn okay, but in the long-run it won't.


Perhaps writing it out will help. Getting all your feelings & emotions onto that paper.


Watching funny entertainment is good. One time I was feeling incredibly low and thought seeing some funny videos on youtube might help and it did! And like a medicine, I felt better and my low thoughts vanished.


Playing video games can help, must be action though.


Take it easy.

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You need to get creative think like a kid. Go get a coloring book and some crayons and color it will take your mind off it when you can't exercise and are alone at home. Sounds chidish but it works. When you finish a picture you feel a sense of acomplishment. Just like a kid would feel. Write what you are feeling and just keep it going until you see your mood start to change in your writing. Mine alway's starts out angry, jealous, and sad. After about 30 minutes of writing all those feelings are gone and I can see my mood change in the words. I become a bit more chearful, I am not so angry and jealouse.

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