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Alright, I need some help for a friend. She is always depressed but acts happy she puts on a show for her family and friends so that they will be happy. (her family is pretty messed up she wants them to think she is the normal one). I think she may have bipolar, she doesnt want to admit that she has a problem, she wont see a doctor. I don't know how to help her.. I need help she tells me how she wants to die and such. I don't know what to do.

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Since she is contemplating suicide this is a very serious manner. Although her family is "messed up", they would be your best bet. Arrange to have a talk with them in private and tell them just how concerned you are about your friend. Hopefully, they will seek the proper help she needs...(Whether it be a therapist or hospitlisation) Your friend may be angry with you at first, but she'll thank you in the end. If her family isn't willing to help her you should contact someone at your school, whether it be the guidance cousellor or the principal, one of them is bound to know what to do to help her.

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Hey, with depression, you need to know that they need someone who knows a whole lot about it. YOU alone cannot make her overcome depression. Find someone to help you solve it. It is so kind of you to want to help her out, but take into consideration what it is you are putting yourself into. She could drag you down with her. I was dragged down with my ex-gf. She had/has depression, and I have developed depression as well. Its tough, I want you to know.


So find a guidence counselor or someone that knows what to do. It may feel uncomfortable, but that is your best bet. I know its tough, I have been there, I have been to a therapist for about 3 months... didn't cure me but I was a little better off. Something needs to get her on her feet.


I wish you luck


For Another

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If she can't or won't see a doctor or a counselor then your options are fairly limited. If you feel she is in extreme danger then I would definitely tell someone (her parents, a school counselor or teacher, a pastor or minister, anybody).


If its not so extreme, but she's pretty down then the most important things you can do for her is to LISTEN to her. She needs to know you are there for her and are willing to listen to her. And let her know that you don't think she is bothering you, or that what she says will make you hate her. Let her know she is NOT a worthless, terrible person.


Give her hugs. Human contact is really important.


And keep us informed if the situation gets any worse.



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