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Handbags and suitcases.


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yeah i feel you on that one, i havnt really asked that much advise on these forums compared to what ive tried to give, hell ive only opened to you so much i guess is because you started asking me questions

i get alot more comfort from helping others, and alot of the time it makes u reflect on your problems, like how silly your being compared to what some of these people are going through, or you answer someone's question then realises you just answered your own problem lol.

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I am being reminded of more truths per day here than in the previous 20 years combined. At one time or another I've been in a good portion of the situations people are currently going through.


I'm afraid atm that I've set an impossible goal of 3 months of nc. One day at a time.

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ty, I really appreciate that. Tonight is the second night in a row I haven't slept. It's now 3:30am here and I'm turning into a vampire.


when i cant sleep, i watch south park, ive seen it all so many god times it puts me to sleep lol, maybe youve got a film or something you've seen so much it would send you off?

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lol you optimist you nah seriously tho if its becoming a problem thought about sleeping medicine? or lavender pillow scents? and im sure theres millions of things i don't even know about lol


In small doses it has been shown that sleep deprivation can alleviate symptoms of depression, natures remedy. I'm okay for another day or two before I will start to go zombie. Thanks for your suggestions though, I'm sure it will correct itself.

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i wouldn't consider a girl who got cheated on as having baggage. but when she tells me that, then i have to consider if it is worth waiting for her to feel comfortable around me to start something up. having a kid or being recently divorced and still in contact with the other is baggage to me.

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