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I'm soon to be moveing out of an area that ive lived in for allmost 16 years of my life, moveing away from everyone and everything i know. I love my friends to pieces but i'm haveing mixed feelings about leaveing. In you case i feel it'd be a welcome break and yet on the other hand i feel guilty about it and that id miss them.

Some count on me to be there for advice and the like and i feel like i'm deserting them, it's reilly getting me down

I dont know what to think any more.

Any ideas would be a great help

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Hi. I've been in your shoes. I have made some big moves in my life and some have been heartbreaking mistakes, some have been great decisions.


First rule in moving: If you ever move back, it will NEVER be the same as when you left. You will have learned more about the world and yourself. So if you go, don't just think you can come back and it will all be the same, because it will not, because YOU will be different.


Ask yourself this: Is the intention for your move to make yourself a better person or is it to simply change things?


If it is to make yourself a better person, then go for it. Your friends should support you. Examples: going to college, volunteering, job promotion in a field you love.


If it is simply to change things, then don't move. Examples: you are in a rut, moving for a boyfriend with no commitment in place, interested in that city, or wanting to show people you can do it on your own.

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Hello Brass, I too have been in this predicament. I had to move away from my life long friends as well (known them since pre-k ) But if the move is manditory, it doesnt mean you will be deserting your friends. I still keep contact with my good pals via phone and internet. If you must go, just keep in contact with the ones you care for.

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First rule in moving: If you ever move back, it will NEVER be the same as when you left.

not intending to come back. too many bad memories. But i think i still want to see most the friends ive got here. theve been with me through most the bad times recently.

Just not reilly sure ya know. it's a lil messed up

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Hello Brass,


I moved accross the country 5 years ago and left SO MANY great friends and family behind to escape my own demons and bad memories. It was never a surprise to anyone because I had to save for nearly a year to accomplish this goal. My friends and family made me feel so guilty. I felt like I was abandoning them as well. I had a few of my guy friends even cry the day I left.... these were tough muthas too!


I still don't think I can go back. I go at least once a year to visit and catch up, but it is never the same. I actually find myself missing home (new home).


That was all great until a few months ago when I went through Hades during a very bad break up with a girl I met 6 months after I moved here. I missed my best friends and family so much and it was very hard not having them around. I also found that I really didn't have to many good friends here because I was always with my ex and we didn't go out much. Yet, I still don't regret it!! Just be careful with your heart and body.


Take chances in your life! Do them while you can and don't regret anything. It's a very big world, go see and experience it. You never know when you might have to settle yourself somewhere and not have these opportunities due to other life situations!


Good luck with your move and have a safe journey in life!

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