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Everything posted by Brass

  1. not intending to come back. too many bad memories. But i think i still want to see most the friends ive got here. theve been with me through most the bad times recently. Just not reilly sure ya know. it's a lil messed up
  2. I'm soon to be moveing out of an area that ive lived in for allmost 16 years of my life, moveing away from everyone and everything i know. I love my friends to pieces but i'm haveing mixed feelings about leaveing. In you case i feel it'd be a welcome break and yet on the other hand i feel guilty about it and that id miss them. Some count on me to be there for advice and the like and i feel like i'm deserting them, it's reilly getting me down I dont know what to think any more. Any ideas would be a great help
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