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Should I leave a suicide note?


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I think leaving a note would be best. If I new someone that wanted to take thier life, I would at least like to know what they were thinking. Especially if they were my loved one. I think I would deserve something, even if I am the reason why they want to committ suicide.

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Ending your life will not solve your problems... it will make it worst.

You're not alone in whatever it is that you're feeling, that's why you come to places like this one, to open up and get some support, that's why people come here.

Even if you feel like you're in hell and hopeless about life, there's ALWAYS the place and time when they tide will turn. I know it sounds corny, specially when you're feeling like * * * * , but running away from your issues will not make them go away, not even with suicide. Be brave and take life as it comes to you.

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The BEST thing would be NOT to write one OR to kill yourself but call around and see the person to whom the letter will be addressed and explain that you want to kill yourself. At least then you will be giving them the chance to understand and hopefully help you through this difficult time. If you cannot do that, then write it down and give it to them. Do that before you make any more plans.

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You obviously want help and you want us to help you. What are you are doing is a cry for help.


What state are you living in? You need to voluntarly commit yourself to a hospital right away.


As somebody who has lost several people to suicide and who has always been a high risk himself, I think you need to know this mood can pass and life can get A LOT better.

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Remember death is permanent and you can't change that. How do you know once you're dead that plane of reality will be any better than this crappy one. We might like to believe that once we are dead our bodies just decay and that's the end of existence but no one knows for sure. Think about the other side, do you really know for sure it will be better.

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I watched an autopsy of a 24 year old girl who shot herself in the head. She was beautiful, a student at UGA, and had on Snoppy pj's. She was found in her bed on her back so all of the blood had gravated to her back. Really nice tattooes with pretty red fingernail and toe polish. They cut her clothes off, washed all of the blood away and began the autopsy. (In the state of Georgia, if the bullet doesn't exit, they perform an autopsy).


The tech stood over her body and used these things that looked like tree trimmers to crack her ribs. I won't go through the procedure step by step because that isn't the point of this post. As I watched, I remember asking "what would her family think if they had to see their loved one treated like a science project? You know they don't even say your name in the room because it personalizes the body and its as if you are some lab rat.


No one who is living knows what its like to successfully kill themselves but there are plenty of people who have tried and really happy they didn't.


My life gets extremely hard at times and I once thought "if I were dead I would not feel this pain/nothingness anymore". I remember that feeling very clearly. It was a feeling of relief. However, it would destroy everyone who know me and would be left thinking "why didn't she just come talk to me". PLEASE DON'T DO IT. PLEASE DON'T DO IT.


Come here and post as much as you want...we are all here for one reason or another. Call a suicide hotline. Talk to ANYONE!!! If you do not have anyone close to you, just find a church or Red Cross or any organization, PLEASE. I know if must feel and seem hopeless but I promise you, its not.


That thought I had was years ago. I have since had children, married (but divorced), cheated on, highly praised, mistreated, made to feel like I am the only woman on Earth and everything in between. If I had followed that deceiving thought, I would never be able to know I make a difference to alot of people because at that time, I didn't think anyone would care.


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, stay here with us.

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I think you were asking for support, even if subconsciously, the whole suicide note thing was just an excuse for you to come here and get help, even if you don't see that. Again, ending your life will NOT solve your problems, it will only create bigger ones. Read the private message I sent you.

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notes don't do anything. Your family will mourn and be entirely upset. I know you done want to hear it but your life is worth so much. You were not brought into this world for nothing.we are here to advise you and work you through this not tell you what and how to do it. We don't tell you not to do it to see and hear ourselves talk..we know that even though we don't know you we care about you and value your life. You should too

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To be honest, noone would ever know this about me because I have always been a happy person but I have thought about suicide before. But what holds me back is the thought of the people I would hurt that I will leave behind. My parents sweat many years, and cried many tears to raise me. I can't just be selfish and run from my problems. I hope you don't run away from yours. All the feelings are just temporary. Happiness willl come again.

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Obviously if you are questioning whether or not you should leave a suicide note it's because you do care about the people you are leaving behind. Which means that you shouldn't end your life, a suicide note isn't going to make them feel better about your death. Please don't end your life, you might think it doesn't have value, but I'm sure alot of people do.

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