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Women, Please Help A Guy Out


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First, I should let you know that I'm a 35 year old male, single, happy, a Christian, and successful at work and looking forward to a great future.. but, I've never met "the one". I've dated a lot of girls and I'm not overly picky, but I agreed to never marry unless it was what God wanted.


Well, last evening, I was at a singles group dinner and I believe in my heart I met "the one". No, I'm not in love, but all the stars aligned last evening. She was a girl I met in a CPR class a few weeks ago and I was so attracted to her. Last night I found out she was no longer dating and she was available. She was actually with a new date last night which she met on a Internet Christian service, but when he left, she scooted over to me and we started talking. We talked for about 30 minutes and she said how she was ready for marriage but she just hasn't found the right guy. She is so well spoken, so beautiful, so ready for what I'm ready for and I think she was interested in me as well because we were in our own little world for about 30 minutes. She's reading a book about Christian relationshiops that she's finishing up and wants to give to me when she's done in a few weeks.


QUESTION: There are certain times in a guy's life when he has to not play games. I want to make sure she knows I'm persuing her. I need help with ideas because I don't want to come off wrong.




1) "Accidentaly" bump into her at her work saying that, "I just happened to be in the neighborhood"


2) Sending her flowers


I'd like some ideas from the ladies being that you know my heart, what would be the best way to proceed without offending her.


In the past, I've been aloof with girls and let them go out of my life. I don't want to do this with her. I want her in my life and I don't want to blow this open opportunity.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Route - accidentaly doing anything is not what you need to do. You know what you want, go get it. Make it clear, this woman sounds like she would appreciate that.


I would send her flowers with a date/dinner request for Friday or Saturday night. This is the most respectful way to court a lady, and she will deffinately appreciate it.


This is what I would put on the card:


Name -

I thoroughly enjoyed our time together on Sunday evening and would like to have dinner with you on Saturday night. Please feel free to call me.





You should send these flowers today for the best impact. Also to allow her plenty of time to plan for and get excited for your First Date.


When you talk to her be sure to ask if their is any type of food that she prefers not to eat. Don't ask her what she wants, just if their is anything she cannot have, then make reservations somewhere that you love.


Set up a time to pick her up, and be on time. Also be sure to call the day before to confirm.


Good Luck Routerx! You are not alone!

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Okay... so I think my game plan will be..


Call her today or tomorrow and ask her out for a date for the weekend telling her I have 2 tickets to "whatever" I come up with.


We live in downtown Chicago, so we'll have to meet (we don't own cars, to much of a hassle). I can't bring flowers with me because she'll have to haul them all over the city.


So, to send flowers now.. or after the date... hmm...

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I like the idea of sending flowers. I am usually very turned off by game players, so I don't think it's aggressive at all, it's incredibly flatterring! Maybe you can wait and see how the date goes and then send them to her at work...or even send them during the week just to say you are looking forward to seeing her on the weekend.

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Send her flowers to thank her for the great conversation and to get her really excited about seeing you!


You can deal with what to do after the date, afterwards. But if you are interested in this woman and want to make a statement that you are interested in getting to know her, sending her flowers today will deffinately get the point accross.


Wait! I like the call her and ask her out to dinner, then on Friday send her flowers to work to let her know that you are looking forward to it.


To make it easier on yourself, after you talk to her call your florist and ask them to set up a delivery for Friday.

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Molly and everyone else. Thanks so much for your words. I'm going to ask her out and then send her flowers if she says yes. This is terrific!!


I'm very excited about this. Man.. I set a standard in my heart over 5 years ago and I finally met someone who meets that standard. She also said the SAME THING last night.. she said that she is so tired with dating losers and she has set a standard for herself.


I'll update you!

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Yeah, and make the flowers something cheerful and pretty, or exotic, something that will stand out from the usual "roses" which are so closely connected with making a move and romance they can seem like less thought were put into them. Think of her personality and appearance, pick something that seems to suit - and it'll show thoughtfulness on your part, more than average. Like, lilies can be tall, elegant, daisies and sunflowers bright and cheerful, birds of paradise or orchids more mystical - you get the idea. It's an easy way to be able to throw in a nice non-pushy compliment as well when you talk to her!

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