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Girls' opinion on boys


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Most girls will go on LOOKS first and if anyone tells you different on here then there fibbing.Yes of course being funny,kind,caring having a good enough personality,having a good job,earning good money,been an interesting person,a popualr person.....All those aspects are part of the social pecking order of how most girls choose there mate,but to start off with it's always LOOKS

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I personally have to be physically attracted to a guy first - that doesnt mean he has to be a brad pitt lookalike just cant look like a gremlin. I am regarded as quite cynical so I think I'd need a guy to understand that and find it funny. He has to make me laugh and I hate awkward silences - I think one of the key things in a good relationship is being able to shut the hell up and not feel awkward.

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ALL girls are shallow to a degree.

Yes there are a few nice girls out there but iam talking about a bigger majorty.

It's all about LOOKS.

If you dont fancy the perticular bloke then are you really gonna chat him up or honestly be interested in him?No you're not.

All the girls i have met and i have met a lot have all been one way or another shallow and materialistic.ALL OF THEM.

Obviously theres different degrees,some are worse than others,but my point(And i do think it's a fair and truthfull point) is that to begin with all girls go for looks and sex appeal.

The looks and attraction is what gets you through the door,your personality and caring nature and that crap is what keeps you in the house.

Iam just been honest

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Sheyda, I have to agree with the music. Yes, all girls and guys have to be attracted to somebody physically. Now, I am not agreeing that all women are sociopath liars and gold diggers, but they are out there. Attraction is in the eye of the beholder. And that is a fact!!! How else do you explain the short marriage of Lyle Lovett and Julia Roberts? Attraction is a must in all relationships. You must be able to look at your mate. :silly:

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music is the key: yes there has to be some attraction there but it doesnt have to be vast or the main asset to a relationship or date in this case, but are you telling me that MEN dont go for looks also? i mean flip the tables if you will, it does work on both sides!



and as for the first question, one thing that i particularly look for?

i would say i look for someone who isnt false and doesnt try too hard, id like them to just be natural and enjoy the day or night. after all you have to be comfortable right?



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have you ever thought, that as you say through being picky, they arent hurting as many people in the process.

i mean how would you feel, if a woman was to not be picky as you put it, dated you and in the middle of something that you possibly could call love she says to you that you arent or wernt what she was looking for.


(this is just a scenario)


i mean if she was that little bit more picky, making the right choice not wrong, people wouldnt get as hurt in the process, correctly so there may be rejection but to be hurt on a more emotional level could truly crush someone.


is that not fair?



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All woman say they want this whole package which I have found to consist of such charismatic charms of caring, intelligence, outgoing, willingness to try new things, take them out on dates from time to time. And at the same time looks. And beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. I'm a 22 yr male attending college. Believe me when I say that men are more picky than the women. Men want a beauty queen. Thus many men don't have a girlfriend. As far as women looking for all these traits in man, I really don't think that it is too much to ask. But both sexes tend to agree that when you look that good, you don't have to be nice. I have found many beautiful women drawn to guys lesser in appearance than them. And I just wonder how the hell did that happen.

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Yeah I have to agree looks do play a part in what I look for a guy! But I would never go out with someone really hot without...respect for women, similar sense of humor, being caring and kind. He doesn't have to be Brad Pitt as someone said on here but at least decent.


This is what I heard from a friend....

pretty girl and an ugly guy - lucky

ugly girl and cute guy - true love

ugly and ugly - no choice


Well I do have to say I see a lot of pretty girls with umm not so good looking boyfriends...not good looking at all! Noticed that all the guy had to do was be nice and sweet talk her. And if I do ever know any people that are of equal beauty...well it usually doesn't work out one or both are players, its just what I've noticed.

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