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Girl at work


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So there is this girl at work that I am crazy about. She is pretty much one of the best matches to me I think I have ever found. She just broke up with her boyfriend of a year and I was thinking of making my move. I think she likes me cause we talk all the time and . She even wants to go get some tattoo stuff done with me. The problem is that one of my friends who also works with me likes her I think. He just ended a relationship(really bad breakup) too and I think that she might like him better. I was just wondering if someone else had been in this situation could help me make a decision. I don't think it would be too akward at work if I was denied cause I wouldn't have to even see her at all again because my office is on the other side of the building. Even other coworkers have told me I should go for it, but I don't want to ruin two friendships at the same time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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flyer034 It would be foolish of you to give up your chase just for the sake of your friend. Things like these happen all the time, it would do you no justice to let her go without a fair "fight".


Talk to your friend about the situation. Let him know that the both of you are courting her. Hard feelings can be avoided if he is aware that this will be a clean chase.


May the best man win. Good luck dude.

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Oh you should definitely go for it and I agree with telling your friend about your feelings for her. If he gets upset or whatever, that is his problem and he will get over it. Life is too short to pass up opportunities and you may find yourself thinking about her after she is long gone. Don't let her be "the one who got away"! Take chances, get your hands dirty and above all be true to yourself and your feelings! I hope everything works out and let me know how things turn out.


take care

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