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fool me once...

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I really set myself up. Almost two years ago I was dumped. But I sure do dig the girl. We talked a bunch on the phone during the time. I eventually went to see her again. (I live in a different state than she.) It was nice. We picked right up where we left of. Then , about a month ago I visited once more. We had sex for the first time since the break up. Last week I find out that she has since met someone and is dating.


I had this vision in my head that if I stick around and put forth the effort, she would see that and want to be with me exclusively. Well, that is not happening.


I'm a little pissed that I allowed this person to hurt me again.


I'm told, that my living elsewhere, is why we are not together.


I'm bummed a bit at the moment.

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don't blame yourself, and stop beating yourself up over this.


we can never, ever change the past (sometimes unfortunately) but we can live in the present.


i know you feel really down right now, and that is okay - it's okay to feel down because you are hurt and you are sad. but don't blame yourself, don't replay things in your head over and over, don't do the "shoulda, woulda, coulda" game. it won't help. it'll only make things in your head worse.


i like to think that everything happens for a reason, there is a purpose - my belief in fate helps me get through the rough days.

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