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Happy yet lonely?


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At the same time? I don't know, maybe content is a better word. I've been rather content lately and had happy moments, being really busy but then all that will be pushed aside and I start to feel a little lonely. I know a lot of people and am sociable but in the end I still feel a little lonely Thanks for listening.

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This is an interesting question; I think there's a difference between loneliness - which feels sad and abandoned - and solitude - which is time when we recuperate, indulge our interests and really get to know ourselves. Maybe this is the contentment you describe.


I can feel lonely when I'm around people where the contact is very superficial - no sharing of feelings, laughter etc, or when I'm with someone where I'm having to be very careful what I say to them, and can't be myself. So, strangely, I think it's possible to feel lonely even when I'm surrounded by people.

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