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Fooling around


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Well my girlfriends coming round after school next week and she wants to "fool around" you know as in more than kissing but not going as far as sex.

Weve been going out for 5 months (on monday ) We have masterd kissing its not routine its always random and i like it that way. We both feel were ready to well we talked about it on msn but when it comes too next week how do i like start it off? I can't just say "lets fool around" How do i like make it happen?

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Usually fooling around begins with making out then the your hand goes up her shirt to start "feeling her up" (kinda play with her boob (since you usually got one hand up there and one hand to keep your balance)), then she might slowly go to stick her hand down your pants and just let her do it and then go on from there. Stick your hand down her pants and she what she does just "fool around". Thats how I usually get my "fooling around" started. Maybe you'll get some oral unless you not going that far. Have fun with it but don't do anything she doesnt want you to, if you notice she starts to act strange back off and keep her comfortable. Hope it helps.


Cya'll later.

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It sounds like maybe you'd both be a bit more comfortable keeping above the waistline for now. You can worry about going below the belt later on, once you're more comfortable with the "starting to fool around" stuff.


She'll enjoy running her hands up under your shirt, just as much as you will under hers. Feeling your bare skin against her hands will be very exciting for her, she likely won't be inclined to want anymore than that the first few times. Just keep it nice and slow so neither of you get uneasy, or feel pressured.

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Makeout and do all that stuff. If you want to go below the belt then turn her on as much as possible before you try to. What's the worst that can happen if you go below the belt? She will probably just push you away with her hands or tell you no. Do it in a very nice and slow fashion so she doesn't think that you are being aggressive or anything like that. Be very gentle when doing so because deep down if she is turned on she really wants you to go down there but she is just scared or nervous if she doesn't. Keep her nice and relaxed, you must also be relaxed, don't be nervous, let it flow but don't get carried away.


Also I hope you kiss her neck and her ears and her jawline. Variety is good. One last thing... I know this may sound dumb but don't think too much, or don't think at all! Just go with the flow and enjoy yourself. If you go too far and she pushes away then just accept it and do what she is comfortable doing. It's only a matter of time before she gets comfortable and sees that you care about her mind and her body.


Good luck and have fun!

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Thanks for all the quick response's.


We talked about oral alot and she said she was happy with it, i have already felt her breasts quite alot, its just the past month we have been dying to do other stuff, and now this is our free chance i don't want it too be too awkward to happen.

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Hey have you tried just dry humping? like rubbing her with yourself but fully clothed? It can be really entertaining. I find that "fooling around" is just something you do naturally. You are either smooth or not. Me? I am not really that smooth, but I make a joke out of it (I am kinda the silly kinda guy) just mes around. Touch her, like grab her butt (if you can lift her than try it). From the start, if you know you want to mess around then try going at her. Make it aggressive if you and her like that sort of thing. thats actually my favorite thing to do, just got up and hold her head in your hands and just kiss her then work your way down to her butt and pick her up. Hold her and kiss her, then slowly let her down (unless there is a bed nearby). Pick her up and place her lightly on the bed. If you guys normally undress, like go shirtless then take off your shirt maybe and lay on her. Try dry humping or something. If she wants to take off her shirt then she will. Its all about making yourself comfortable with her.


Good luck, and most importantly.... HAVE FUN!!! lol


For Another

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yes, id have to agree that it is a very random thing. you don't really plan it out or say anything. you just start by kissing. maybe if she's comfortable with it just grab her breasts while kissing her. or just work your way down from there to the stomach, and to further places down south lol. but make sure you still look at her and what not.

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