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My friend is a shy girl who doesn't really know how to express her feelings. Recently, a guy younger than her by a year wrote her a poem which I guess was significant. She didn't say much about it. I just know it had the words that he was weak when he was near her. She is madly in love with him but she's afraid of the consequences if it was just a trick or something. We're in school and there ARE mischevious guys too. We also both have an important exam this year and I really don't want her to get hurt. What do I do or say?


She said she didn't give him a reply and that she regretted it. She said that she is going to talk to him tomorrow and that she is nervous. I really want to give her some words of wisdom or advise but I don't know what to say. Can someone give me some ideas? I feel like cheering for her because I would like to see her happy. Help needed fast please. Tomorrow is the important day. Thanks...

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The only way to know for sure is to ask. Otherwise she'll just be left wondering. And the guy will be confused because he didn't get a response.


Without risk, there is no gain. She may get hurt, or she may find happiness.


I say tell her to give it a try. And then tell her you'll be there for her if it doesn't work out. That gives her something to fall back on and she won't feel all alone in the risk.

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I have instant messaging but she doesn't and can't because her computer is outdated and it doesn't have much space. The other thing is that phone is going to cost a lot. E-mail might be slower than instant messaging.


I'm worried for her. She has 2 little brother who doesn't know much I guess. And she doesn't have many friends there because she just changed over. So, she doesn't seem to have anyone except me.

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