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attraction to asians

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Well this is kind of a weird question, but is it weird to be attracted to only 1 ethnic group or race


I admit I have a very big attraction to asian girls, I just think they are the most beautiful people in the world. It's just something about their smaller size, and black hair with brown eyes that drives me crazy. any who my friends think I'm weird and don't understand my asian attraction.


Like I don't even look at any other types of girls if their not asian. I am only 18 and I have this weird attraction??

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i don't think there is any thing wrong with it, its just what you are attracted to. like some people prefer blondes over brunettes or the other way around. its just what you like. don't feel like you are weird for it, its just the way you are & its not like you can just tell yourself to like some thing different, it won't work that way. who knows, one day you might wake up & like some thing other than just asian girls.

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I can't disagree with anyone here!


There's nothing wrong with you... you don't "choose" what to be attracted to, it's sub-conscious. Don't be ashamed of that at all!


One thing to keep in mind though... if for some reason this does cause you some problems inside yourself; if you feel like this is tearing you up or something, go talk to a counsellor! That might ease your mind a little, because they can reassure that you are just as human as everyone else.


Hope all of these responses help!


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