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Something I find interesting. When I first broke up with him the dreams were good and made me miss him. Now any dream I have hes horrible to me and I wake up thinking good riddance. Think that shows Im moving on well.


Its probably just because shes on your mind and your worrying about her/what shes doing so it manifests itself in your dreams.

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Been having nightmares, Bad thoughts about him every single night for a week now. When I do finally sleep it's ruined with this!! Then after I'm up and can't go back to sleep. All the while I been taking something to help me sleep, so I feel like crap even more in the morning.

I wish I could get him out of my head. Isn't it bad enough to hurt all day then all night too???

Sorry Exploding Head You're going through hell right now and I'm there with you.

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The dreams will hurt because it will bring back all the memories and the emotions but all you can do is think 'it was only a dream'. Thats how i got by and if i dream about him now i dont care anymore because im moving on with my life. If you do have more dreams just dont think of it alot or try get some sort of meaning out of it.

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I've recently had a dream about my ex (we've broken up 9 months? I guess?) and we were at my place and I was getting ready to go to a dance with my new guy. And he got really close to me trying to convince me to get back with him, while I was inching away from him. LOL. I think this kind of dreams convey your current state of mind, regarding your ex.

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