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A question for the Ladies...


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I have a question for the ladies (guys can answer too if they feel their contribution is valid). I always want to know if a woman is in a club/bar/on the beach etc and sees a guys that she fancies, how would she like the guys to approach her and what should she like him to (basically) say? I am a firm believer in the honest, sincere approach. I asually say something like Hi my name is ... How are you? and take the conversation from there. I have tried the cheap pickup-line route: everything from "Do you come here often?" to "would you like to sleep with me?" (which usually involves a dirty look, slap or both - and for the record has only worked once). So ladies please How would you like a guy to approach you and what would you like hime to say to you? Any helpful ideas/replies will be appreciated...


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I might have a strange question. Didn't the fancy "Hi, how are you" work for you? Because I believe that is really the ONLY way to do it.


This is my humble opinion and I am sure that other people have their opinion. I find sean's suggestion a little bit rude and disrespectful. But may be I am just too respectful. I'll leave that judgement up to the ladies on this board.


I hope I was of help and wish you good luck, but most of all a lot fun.


~ SwingFox ~

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Whatever you do, do not use the "you have nice...shoes" pickup line that was already suggested to you. (Unless you want to pick up a stripper, then by all means.)If you're actually serious about meeting her and want more than a hookup, just introduce yourself and say hello. That's the best way. I can't speak for other women but I know that personally if a man uses a cheezy pickup line on me, the ONLY thing he'll be getting is a "You've GOT to be kidding me" glare. But, if you just want to take her home, if she's "that type of girl" it really won't matter what you say.



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I am with everyone else on this...you should be fine by just going up to her and saying "hi..hows it going?" and try to pick up a convo. I know a guy who would do that to me would definitely get my attention. I would be more interested in him at that point than if he were to just give me glances from accross the room or whatever, and not come talk to me.

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You know, it always depends on the lady you are approaching and what kind of day they've had, and why they are there. There is so much that is beyond your control. Sometimes the lady you are approaching is there because she just wants to drink with her girlfriends and blow off a bad day. She may not be in the mood to meet new people. May be she's there to check out what her ex boyfriend (who hangs out there often) is doing. In that case, you really don't want to begin any kind of relationship with her, she's still stuck on her ex. So, if you make a mistake and approach one of these women who are having a bad day, DON"T SWEAT IT, and don't take it personally.

Listen to what she is saying with body language, before you approach her. Is she leaning forward, her head nodding to the music, and looking towards the dance floor? Then ask her if she would like to dance. Is she looking towards the bar? Ask her if you can buy her a drink. Is she looking kind of bored? Say, Hi my name is "Insert name here", what's yours? Pleased to meet you. You know, the last time I was here, such and such happened....

Clubs are such awful places to try to have conversations anyway, other than dancing and a shouted hello.

Try joining an extracurricular class or a community club. Ballroom dancing always has lots of women in it, and very few men. Conversations are so much easier to start in that kind of situation.

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  • 2 months later...

Conversation isnt like software it is timeless. It doesnt change much in the basics. The Hello my name is *** is a good one. Lines just make most ppl mad. I havent been impressed by any pick up line i have heard. But I am surprised that one line you mentioned worked even once! Wow!

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  • 2 months later...

Well for a guy yo interest me they could not be pushy or they should not seem like all they want to do is get me on bed. I like a guy how seems like they want to get to know me and see if we have common interests. So next time see if the girl wants to talk and maybe wants to go out to lunch or something next time she is free. Then if she does try to find a something in common to talk about. Never let the conversation die. Bur anyways I hope I am some kind of help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man! Ok, well, I think you should just go up to them, and, start a conversation. Nothing flashy, just...something. I guess it kind of depends on the situation. If you were at a bar, just ask her what she's drinking, as if you didn't know (this might not work if she's drinking a labled beer). At a club, perhaps you should just ask her to dance,s trike up a conversation about music or dance or whatever (but not exotic stripper type danceing) and lead into the thing, or, whatever. Just, don't be too forward. But, be confidant. Gurr. I guess what I'm tring to say is, don't be arrogant. Much toughness, but, anyway. Good luck with your girl scouting And remember to



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