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why does she does this?


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just kinda need some clarification i guess on something thats confused me for a while. so i have this best friend, we've been friends for about 4 years now, we've been threw allot together to say the least. last year we dated for about 6 months, our realtionship was kind of all over the place becuase we were both trying to deal with allot of our own problems and ended up just shooting eachother in the foot. but without a shadow of a doubt i was in love with her. she told me she was in love with me but i guess i'm just not a trusting person and i never really believed her so we broke that off.


I was devestaed for along while and went threw allot of depression but i am happy to say i got myself out of it and am feeling a hell of allot better now. we've both sorted out problems out and we're still good friends. i've kind of pushed her away a bit threw fear of falling for her again, but i am at this point over her.


Ok so hears the thing, sometimes i go over to hers, we get a bottle of wine n just chat n watch some films. When it come to go to sleep i normally stay over. She always gets me to sleep in her bed. I'm always very weary about it and always offer to sleep on her soffa but she kinda makes me sleep there anyway and considering she has a single bed we get quite close. We never do anything, chat for a bit maybe. She always lies down on the side facing me for a bit i face her but i norammly get a bit scared and i kinda lay on my back eventually we both roll over and go to sleep i just want to know why she does this? i really don't understand, i am 99% sure she doesn't like me anymore, i don't know what to make of it really and any help understanding it would be a great help


cheers bluey

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also, she's seeking that emotional comfort from being close to you in such close quarters.


Frankly, with a history - and even without one - I think it's inappropriate, unless you're dating. Otherwise, it just seems like self-inflicted pain.

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I think a better question to ask yourself is why you are drinking wine and getting into bed with her. These are not the actions of a person who is in a platonic friendship. If you want to sleep with her and it feels right to you, then go ahead. If not, keep a friendly distance. Otherwise your straddling the fence and causing yourself-as someone else said here-a lot of self-inflicted pain.

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