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Normal rebound behaviour?

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I broke up with my bf almost three months ago, and it's been really difficult for me. We went out for 3 months only, but this was probably my most serious relationship in 6 years, and it had meant a lot to me. Or so I thought...

I met a man a couple of weeks ago. We have been on one date, and my feelings for my ex have changed OVERNIGHT. Before, I was pining for him every single day, crying, moping, generally being crushed. Now the very next day after I met this other man, I won't even return my ex's calls anymore. Is this normal? Or is this typical rebound behaviour? I need to know because I don't want to rush into a new relationship if I'm still on the rebound.

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i think you have just realized that you can live your life without your ex and realized that it prolly wasn't meant to be if you met this other guy that you like. i say just keep not calling and stuff and you will get over it. i think it is perfectly normal and i dont' know about the rebound thing. look at the guy and ask yourself y you like him so much.

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WOW! You actually seem to be healing and moving on. Good for you!


I'm actually feeling the same way. I've met so many other girls, but they weren't my ex...until recently. I met this great girl! Smart funny and so much sweeter and caring than my ex (smarter too, which isn't hard and HOT!). Now I feel like I can do anything w/out my ex. I have no desire to even talk to her or to hear how she is.


But I'm confused as well....I'm not sure if it's rebound for me either? I really still love my ex but I really like the new girl even more than I ever cared about my ex? But the feelings for my ex are nothing but memories because she was so mean to me? So I'm beginning to think these new feelings are genuine.


Go with your heart I guess? As for me though, I always have a wall around my heart for now. At least until I feel better about trusting someone again. Never could trust my lying stupid ex. She was very stupid!! God love her!!

Aww, I still care about her and I only hope she's happy now. Even though she's been so uncaring and mean to me. That's how I am though.


Good luck and let it go for now...see how you like it. Forget your ex!! We all should really!! They've forgotten us for the most part right?

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