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Well i received a text from my ex last night and she asked if i would mind if she stopped by my house. I told her to come on over. Well when she got there she was telling me about school, etc. Then she brought up how her new man hates me because i continue to talk to her. (Actually she is the one that contacts me, i have not contacted her since about two weeks after our breakup and it has been about 2 to 2 1/2 months since we broke up.) She was telling me that he doesn't want her talking to me. She also told me he got mad at her because she went to a club and danced with some guy. She said he is very controlling and jealous. Well, she was about to leave and said so your not dating anybody and i told her no. I told her i wasn't over her and my heart wouldn't be in it if i was to start dating somebody. She said well i am not over you but i am dating someone. I said well i am happy being alone right now. So we hugged and she left. Now she is the type of person that doesn't like being told what to do. As you can see he told her to not talk to me and she comes to see me. They started dating about a month after we broke up so this "rebound" (i guess you can call it that) seems doomed to me. I am not looking to get back with her right now because she is young and has a lot of growing to do but i really do not like this new guy. He has done some pretty bad things to her in the past. What do yall think about the situation??

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She just seems to be checking if your around still. She said nothing about wanting to get back together from what you said. I know it's hard, but it's her choice to be with him. She is responsible for her own decisions. You just need to step away...and the poster above is correct. You deserve better, I wouldn't talk to this girl, it's only hurting you.

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Make yourself scarce. Do your own thing and stop looking over your shoulder to see what she is doing. If you choose to be alone, fine. But don't make her life into your soap opera and asking people if her relationship is going to last with whoever guy she's with. You'll speed up the healing process and then be better off. Just my opinion.

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i remember doing this with an ex of mine. i thought he was on the rebound too....

they stayed together for a year and a half, the same as me and him had.

Even though their relationship was nothing but trouble from the start.

So dont bank on them breaking up soon and her running back to you.

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I haven't contacted her in over a month and a half. She has contacted me everytime we have talked. I don't ask her about anything having to do with this guy. She is the one telling me and i am just listening to her as a friend right now. I am doing stuff every weekend with friends so i am not sitting around waiting on her and she knows that. Yes i do want her back but not right now. She is only nineteen and has a lot of growing up to do. Even if she did break up with him and came back to me i wouldn't go back with her because she would do the same thing to me again. Until she knows she wants me and only me i don't want a relationship with her.

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