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i'm jealous of the girls he works with...


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i hate it when my b/f goes to work b/c i'm always worried about the girls that he works with. i just hate worrying about if he's talking to girls, getting to know them, maybe even getting to like them. my mind always wanders like that. my mind makes up stupid things are not true but i can't help worrying about it. i dunno why i'm so worried about all of this. i mean, i know that he only loves me and that's the way it's going to be, but i don't know what he thinks about in his head. how do i know that he's not thinking about some girl when i'm not around, or even when i am around. how do i know that when he goes home he doesn't masterbate to someone else. he shouldn't do that at all. he claims he hasn't done that ever since we've been going out, but i dunno. he's a very honest guy, but i just don't know. he's a guy. and all guys are the same, right? or maybe not, i don't know. i really need some help.

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Hon, I think you need to RELAX. You're building up all these false accusations and wild jealousies over nothing. Yes, your boyfriend is going to be friendly to girls at work...it makes the workday so much easier when we do! But he comes home (in his heart) to you at night, does he not? He doesn't talk about them, most likely doesn't even mention their names....what's all this unfounded worry about? And, to dispel your fears, NO, guys are not all "like that."


He's going to talk to women, plain and simple. But he wouldn't have gotten into a relationship with you if he wasn't 100% sure this was truly what he wanted, and your suspicions of him talking to other women are only going to cause problems for you later on, if they keep building. Keep them in check, and, better yet, FORGET them. All you're doing is causing yourself unnecessary stress and worry over nothing.



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Mar's right hon - take a deep breath, let it out, and pull it together for a minute, ok? Panicking isn't going to make you any more confident in him.


He's going to have to work around and run into other women - and if he's not at least somewhat friendly and personable - it could kill his chances at advancement in any career - no manager wants to promote someone who's so aloof he doesn't feel comfortable with them interacting with other employees in a nice way that makes for good morale in the workplace. Just because he shares a friendly word in between business talk doesn't mean anything - if you say hi to a male cashier checking out your groceries, it doesn't mean you have mad fantasies about him - you're just being nice, and giving someone a nice impression, right? Same goes in all personal interactions - as long as you're the one he loves and comes home to, it's just he's a normal friendly guy who people will think you're lucky to have, and vice versa - be proud of it when people think he's a nice guy - because he's yours!


And no, not all guys are the same - or we wouldn't be picky about who we fell for - just remember to take that step back and judge when your feelings are coming from your own fears of losing him - and if you really have something to worry about. Don't let fear and insecurity spoil what you've got.

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