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embarressed of my family's income


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Every holiday, or, any other day of the year until it changes. The embarressment and shameful house I used to live in. Belongs to my parents, 2brothers, and sister. Brought my bf two christmas' ago and he didn't care. But, their house is so small it's like 20 by 20 and has one room. My brother sleeps on the floor by the stove. Then a bunkbed for my youngest siblings. My parents have a little room w/an old beat up bed like it was from the dump. Mom is a janitor. Dad doesn't do anything all day. Anyway, i'm ashamed. Want my bf to spend x-mas w/me but it seemed like he made an excuse NOT to go. Whenever we argue he says my family is so poor. We can't even get a new house. DUH. Our income is too low. Just ashamed of everything else.

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i kind of think its wrong for him to bring your families income in to anything, especially when you are fighting. i mean, just because you don't got a lot, at least you got what you got. your house might be small, but at least you got that. you can't control what your parents do, so its not like its your fault your mom doesn't make much. it would probably be good for your dad to go out & find a job, or something, but you already know that. i really feel like your bf has no right to talk like that when you get into arguments. it really is none of his business. its only going to make you feel worse about the situation. i think that next time he brings it up, tell him that he has no right saying any thing about your family & your house or your family income.

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