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I feel lonely


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The title says it all I guess. I just feel completely & utterly lonely.


I suppose it stems from my breakup. I know know i'm much better off without him. But now i feel i'm sitting around doing nothing.


My friends always seem to be spending time with their boyfriends/girlfriends and my single friends always seem to be on dates or out with their family!


Don't get me wrong, i do have a social life, but the times when i'm not busy, i feel so lonely and i just want to cry.


Why are relationships just so hard? Is it just me? I try my hardest but everything just gets thrown back in my face. Then if i ever meet someone who i take an interest in, they always say they are single but they aren't!! I hate being messed around.


I'm trying so very hard to keep myself busy. I work hard at work, i spend lots of time with my family, go out with my friends at the weekend...but i just can't shake the loneliness, especially during the week and at night times. even on nights out i feel lonely.


Is anyone else feeling like this? I need someone to talk to.


Thanks xx

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Sorry you feel so lonely, Blondy. We all get like that if we have nobody special to spend it with. Even amongst friends you can feel that way, I know. It's normal to feel that way. Maybe even a little healthy, meaning, you aren't a recluse!


We'll help you just by listening. Hope you feel better soon.

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Why don't you talk to someone about your feelings. I'll say it's very important that you do so, it's no good keeping feelings to yourself. Talk to a close friend, a family member or a counselor if you feel comfortable.


Yuck, I hate people messing around with others. It's like they are treating them as toys and playing with their feelings. Best to avoid those kind of people.


I presume you live alone. Perhaps you can live at a friend's for a while, maybe it will help.

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Oh hunny hunny.... you are singing my tune.


Lonely in a crowd of people.


I think the worst of it hits me when the people I know I truly connect with feel so far out of my reach. I either can't connect with them for whatever reason (they live far away, they are busy, we are on bad terms/broken up, etc.), or I can... but it doesn't seem to solve anything, because the end result is that I just need time alone to heal.


But it sounds like you are doing the right thing... spend time with the people you love, and who you know love YOU. And try to connect, and reconnect with people. In time it will fade.


I find my mantra in times like this is, "this too shall pass.... "

And yes... I spend some time time crying.. and some time just generally feeling blue and reflecting... but in time, things heal, and things DO change.

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blondy, i know exactly how you feel. Im feeling the exact same thing right now. My boyfriend and I just broke up 4 days ago...we were only together 2 and a half months but I just miss him so much. I feel so lonely all the time even when I go out with friends. I sit at home and dont feel like doing anything...the laundry and mess piles up, i dont feel like eating. If I dont have a friend calling me every day asking me to do something I feel like I am unwanted and like everyone has plans except me. I cant remember what I did during the day while him and I were together....I remember that I was always busy and I was always rushing to get to his house on time. But its like what did I do that I was so busy???? Now I cant find anything to pass the time except sit at my computer and post here at ENA

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I guess, it's kinda like, you get so used to spending time with that person, you can't remember what its like to be alone. Then it just hits you. It's very hard. Especially since I gave up a lot for him, supported him when he moved away to live his dream, spent way too much money on him. He took me for granted them dumped me. And as much as i want to hate him and forget it all, it's too hard. it's scarred me. but i truly want to get on with my life but the loneliness is like a big wall in front of me and i can get over it. He's done it well and moved on, i'm kinda over him, so why can't i get over the wall?


sorry if that didnt make any sense....

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It seems that your doing pretty well considering what has happened. Don't wish this lonliness away because every body feels lonely at one time or another. But a least your feeling something if you didn't then there something wrong. This is going to shape you into who are in the future. i know its hard to see your friends with boyfriends and girlfriend..but maybe this is your time to be alone in your life and focus on your self.. you changing and its a great thing. It hurts and it sucks But you will feel better i promise

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