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Age gap; Would I be a "cradle snatcher"?

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Hey fellas,

I'm 20 and turning 21 in a couple months time. Now there is this girl at work that has blatantly stated that she wants to "get to know me better" if you catch my drift.


The thing is she is 16 and she only JUST turned 16 two weeks ago. Now before you guys start flaming me, 16 IS the LEGAL age of CONSENT here, so that's no problem. But even though it would be legal, does it seem kind of immoral to you people? You think people would start labelling me as some kind of cradle snatcher?


I think I know the answer but would like to hear some opinions on it. Thanks.

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Hey there,


No you would not be labeled a cradle snatcher...no worries.


And it really shouldn't matter what others think, because they are not with her...you are


So I say go for it, have fun and dont worry about the age gap...although there will be some differences with you being legal to drink at clubs/bars and such...there are no real big differences...especially since she is legal in your area.


Wishing the best,



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Hey - if you and she think there's something worth trying, and you're willing to work with being in two different "worlds" since I'm figuring she's still in school, by all means, give it a shot. She's interested, you're interested, she's over age, so if she's mature enough for you to want to date her, see where it goes.


One thing I'd advise - meet her parents, just to be on the up and up. Sure, they might have some initial reservations - but it's a lot more reassuring that you're willing to meet them and be honest upfront than wait and spring it on them or have them find out later another way.

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If it makes you feel any better I'm 34 and I've "dated" a 33, 29, 28, 26, 23, and 21 year old. Yes, a 21 year old - 13 years difference. I should have dated her mom as, obviously, when it came down to it we had very little in common.


Two important things to remember:


1) Her parents will not be impressed. Tread carefully, they can cause a lot of problems.

2) It won't work out *unless* you two have things in common. Physical interest only lasts so long and you have to talk to her for at least a portion of the day .

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  • 3 weeks later...

im 15 and my bf is 21. we have 3 months of relationship and everythin has gone pretty well. there is one thing though with the parents... you always have to be careful with them. thank god mom knows understands the fact that ive always dated older boys and well we have good communication, which is very important to allow the existence of trust. my bf went to meet my parents after 2 weeks of dating. my parents do put certain limitations on me. they dont let me take rides with him without permission and they usually just grant it; we dont ask for it.


i have to admit, i dont think im a very good daughter, meaning i really dont obery them much. since my first real relationship ive been taking rides and yeah, you can say risks. ive had some luck in not getting caught doing something crazy... but if i am warned... and you eventually get caught. my worse fear is that he ever gets into legal problems cause of my fault. i mean, i can have sex with minors like me and it's not that much of an issue to the law, but when it comes to the adult... then omg... sexual abuse! so maybe im not a very good daughter, but i try... for his well being and of course the well being of our relationship.

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