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It is time to get my ex back

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I had it! Its time to get my ex back!


The short history of my 5 years relationship with my ex

1 January to 12 February She is out partying, tells me that she is not in loved with me anymore and treats me very bad, even on my birthday. The day before she goes to Asia she is out partying all night. We have not seen each other since the 12 February.

8 Marsh: She wanted to think about our relationship she writes in an email from Asia She says this after I tell her that I have checked her email and saw that she wanted to dump me in a letter to a friend of hers.


17 Marsh: She returns from Asia and dump me on the phone. She comes with every cliché in the book including lies.

27 Marsh We talk on the phone, it was a bad talk and I confess that I have checked her email (again) and that I know that she was sleeping around in Thailand. She is of course lying about her unfaithfulness even when I say I want a clean break up. When I say to her that I know about her email account and that she is lying she gets nonplussed but then confesses and come with excuses.


28 Marsh I call her and she is very upset about me checking her email and has no time to talk to me.

29 Marsh She sends an text message that she don’t want to meet be because she has no energy but wants to meet me another time and talk to me and give my stuff back. I never respond to her and go NC


3 May: I call her by mistake and make it very short when I say I have called the wrong number. She has still that serious sad but happier tone in her voice.


What have I been doing?

Drinking and hanging out with friends a lot. I have also started dating new girls.



What do I want, I want her back!


My plan


Call her next week. Set up an short meeting, call her 10 days later and then hang out with her again and then let her respond! If she wants me back she will call me back, if she do not want me back she will not call me back!


I know my misstakes now! Every misstake I have done! Im ready to fix this now! By the book!

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I think a much bigger mistake would be to try and win back a liar and a cheater.


Everybody tells me that, everybody tells me to just send her a text message and say to her that I want my stuff back and then forever go NC. I was out on a club to night and it was so easy. I got like 10 smiles from girls, even girls that are over my league. Its fun to be single again and this is what I have dream about when I was with my ex. Yes she is a liar and a cheater. But still I want her back, because this girl I don’t want to loose. Its sounds very strange, I know. The thing is that I’m starting to get over her. I have more “fun” then ever and have started to rebuild my former large contact net and I’m happy as a single. I thing it’s only a matter of time before I get a new girlfriend.


But as crazy as its sound I want my ex back!

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