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Good paying jobs in healthcare fields

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Lots of people go into Nursing because of the money and stay motivated when they calculate how much they will be bringing home every other week. In a perfect world, everyone will do a job because they love it. But in the real world, people do it because they need financial security.


Ok, but is that the person you'd want helping you??


I think there is so many opportunities in the health field, you don't have to go into a "caring role" if that isn't your gig. And you can still make awesome money.


Perhaps something in tech, or administrative, or in a lab.


But caring for people, day in and day out, is stressful even for people who have passion and devotion to it.


I think if you weren't primarily there because of wanting to help and heal, you might go coo-coo bananas faster than you think. People go on stress leave all the time even as devoted and capable care givers.


For sure do not go into specialty care giving!! That's all I'm saying. lol.

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You'll be a terrible nurse if that's your attitude. You might be able to perform the skills and procedures required but the caring aspect and "going the extra mile" for your patient will go completely out of the window.


It isn't the procedures you can do it's the way that you do them that counts in the healthcare field. You can definitely tell the difference between those that do it because of money and those that do it because they care about people and helping them.


I agree that you don't have to have passion for every job but the healthcare field is one of those that you need to have passion for if you're going to be any good at it.

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Well said..


If you're happy with what you're doing you can make alot of money on the other hand if you're completely miserable doing what you're doing and are only working that job for the money then you aren't going to go very far. You seemed to have a distorted view of how the real world should be. Do something you like and you will be successful no matter what it is.


What if you enjoy being miserable. Some people do not have anything that they 'really want to do' aside from finding entertainment, nor do they have a high enough intellect that would really let them explore it even if they did find it. To that end wouldn't it be a lot more 'enjoyable' to make a lot of money, have power and to be able to treat other people badly instead of the other way around ? You might say doctors or lawyers are miserable well, I would rather be a miserable lawyer and take it out on my paralegal than be a miserable truck driver and not have anyone to take it out on at all then be broke at the end of the week.


Plus you seem to be assuming for some reason that the people in question have 'good hearts'.With a lot of money on a bad week you have a much greater scope for stress relief as opposed to a poor person having two minute noodles for tea and only being able to afford a 6 pack.

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I knew some people who went into teaching public school because of the "vacation" (long in the U.S.) and the health benefits, the increased stability over a corporate job. I could not agree more that that should NOT be a main reason for going into a helping profession. I did some teaching many years ago and unless you do love teaching and working with that population, it is exhausting physically and emotionally. I would suspect that part is even more intense with nursing.

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You might say doctors or lawyers are miserable well, I would rather be a miserable lawyer and take it out on my paralegal than be a miserable truck driver and not have anyone to take it out on at all then be broke at the end of the week.


It's all very well to be a lawyer and take it out on a paralegal but if a doctor or a nurse takes it out on a patient.....well...I'll leave you to figure it out. People that enter the medical profession for stupid reasons like money really piss me off because those are the people that end up treating everyone like crap, have a disgusting bedside manner, a bad attitude towards their patients, never do anything above and beyond the call of duty and don't give a crap either way whether their patient lives or dies. That to me is not needed in the medical profession. If you want money get into sales, IT or banking.

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Lots of people go into Nursing because of the money and stay motivated when they calculate how much they will be bringing home every other week. In a perfect world, everyone will do a job because they love it. But in the real world, people do it because they need financial security.


And this is why Nursing has one of the highest burnout rates in the country. Trust me, you WILL be miserable if you're going into it only for the money.

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