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So how is this for a plan of action? (what they say is true)

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SO a girl who has had me bent out of shape for a time called yesterdy and I didn't even care, it was just like we were old frineds. Why? Cause I found someone else I want to be with. So what they say is true about finding someone else


So for the past few weeks me and two frineds have been hanging out after class. One of them is a girl and the other is a guy. So I feel that me and the girl are pretty into eachother and she gives me pretty good signs (like always manuevering herself near me, trying to get me to dance with her, and touching me when she can, and my faviorite having me come and sit next to her on the train and share a set of headphones ).


So anyway when we hang out its always a pain cause the other kid is always there (you would think he would take the hint) so I need a good way to get him away. Any ideas? I don't wanna be mean or nuthin. At any rate it doesn't matter cause I'll make plans with just her anyway.

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I think the best thing for you to do is just try to hang out with her when you know he won't be around, or even better would be to ask her out on a date or ask her to go over to your place and hang. If you really want to talk to the guy though, that might make him feel REALLY uncomfortable to be around you two from that point on. Like I said if you feel you really need to talk to him about it than you should say more like a friend than of someone who is annoyed.


-Good luck!

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