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I just want to die...


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So... apparently my girlfriend needs a break to think about if she really loves me... she says there is something different about the way she thinks of me now, and she needs to figure out if its love or not...


...the only thing keeping me from killing myself is the faint hope that it's a change for the better, that she will realize the change was that she loves me more...


But I know... I know, if it turns out she doesn't love me anymore... I will kill myself... I KNOW we are perfect for each other, I'll never meet anyone as perfect for me as her so don't bother telling me I will... I would rather just die than live without my honey...

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Calm down. People change, feelings change.. especially at your age rank. You can't possibly believe that she is the only one out there that is right for you.


You got a whole life ahead of you, don't let yourself depend on one single person. It's not worth it. And imagine how terrible she will feel if you kill herself and she knows it was because of her. You can't put that huge guilt on her, it really is unfair.

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You are way too young to be thinking about ending your life. Most people have several loving relationships begin and end before they find the one that they want to spend their life with.


Whether this relationship works out or not...you just need to be strong and continue on with life. I know it hurts, but it will go away and you will be a more experienced person because of it.


You have a lot to look forward to and many more beautiful women to come into your life that you don't want to miss out on.

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I dont care about other women... I barely even notice other girls... the only one I see is my honey...


Unfortunately, that's how it will be when you experience a breakup. You can't think of or imagine being with anyone else. It really is a painful experience and I've been there myself...


But I promise that with time you will heal and you will begin to look at other women more receptively.


And you are only 16 man. You have a whole life of meeting other women and experiencing love. I know she means a lot to you, but with time you'll move on and find someone even better. Focus on some things that make you happy for right now and try to focus on improving your own life and become happy with yourself whether a girl is in the picture or not.

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I dont care about other women... I barely even notice other girls... the only one I see is my honey...


Believe me, we've ALL been through the exact same thing. But we've made it and got over it and so can you. One girl is not worth ending your life. Imagine 10 years down the road... do you really think you will still be grieving over her? Naaaah. You'll be chilling in a whirlpool bath with 10 beautiful naked chicks around you!

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