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NC - trying to avoid temptation


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Hi All


This is just a bit of a vent. Right now I'm trying very hard to not give into temptation and message my friend.


We've been having some issues, and weekend before last i told ihm that he was hurting me and he basically shrugged it off. So i decided not to try and contact him. So its been a week and today he sends me a text message asking if i had heard anything from an interview i had last week.

I'm trying very hard not to respond to him until the morning because i dont want him thinking (anymore) that I'm gonna come running whenever he calls. I'm mad at him and hurt and he needs to know that.


Sorry for the rant.



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it's sort of a compliacted situation, but no we havent hooked up.

Basically I'm always the one to initiate contact with him and last time we talked he said something really hurtful and I wanted him to make the first move. I'm tired of him always giving me the silent treatment.


after a week he did send me a text message and I have since broken NC because of a medical emergency.

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