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i can feel it coming.. please give me advice..


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hi everyone, im new to this whole forum thing but i really didnt know where else to turn and who to ask.. here is my story


my bf and i have been together for just over 2 years, although about 6months of this was spent broken up. our r/s started off rocky, but for some reason i always felt such a strong connection to him, i guess he was my first real love. after about 9months of dating and going out, i found out that he had been cheating on me (not from him, but from the girl he was cheating on me with.. his ex gf).. to be honest, when i found out i didnt even feel hurt, it was like i expected it to happen.. she had sent me abusive text msgs since he and i began dating.. clearly she wasnt over him and he wanted to stay friends with her, not giving a damn how she treated me or how i felt about it. anyway long story short, i ended up staying with him (sometimes i think it was just so she couldnt 'have him') but after a few months i couldnt take the lack of trust and ended thigns, which was extremelly hard fo rme to do. i started seeing another guy but i couldnt stop thinking about my ex. we eventually got back together and have been together now for about a year again. lately i feel like the connection between us has gone... my family hate him for what he did to me and i feel like its never going to end up anywhere when thats the case,, im starting to feel like i want things to end but im so scared to be alone after being with him for so long. i know its nothing compared to couples that end after years and years, but theres somehting that always pulls me back everything i think about ending it. its like i have no 'proper' reason right now to end things.. everything is all good between us but it just feels like the sparks gone and im scared to let him go


i hope this has made sense,, and sorry for the large essay. it just feels like a way for me to get all my emotions out =) please give me your opinions



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Please, if you feel unhappy, and unsatisfied. LEAVE. Life is FAR too short to stay in a relationship just because you don't want to be alone. We have a very very short time on this earth and we need to make the most of every single second.


Yes you'll be alone, and you have to be happy being alone, and strong in yourself. It will give you time to find someone who loves you and respects you.


Face facts, he cheated on you. He had sex with another girl. That isnt the actions of someone who loves you. He let her send abusive texts to you...then slept with her. This is cruel and disgusting.


The fact you took him back? He'll never respect you, and he'll realise he can do what he likes because chances are his perfect little girlfriend will be waiting when hes had his fun.


Be strong, leave him, and find someone who will make your life a lot better.

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