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Is this normal or is she just weird?


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Why do girls say that they don't ask guys out knowing that it is a lie?


I flirt with this girl in my class intermittently. Well, yesterday I sent her a text and asked her when she was going to come out with me. I haven't asked her out previously because she lives 1.5 hours away and I'm a little busy to be able to have a relationship like that. Well she replied with "When you ask me!"


So then I told her I had the weekend after next off and she said she'll try to get it off and come down here with her cousin and hang out.


Well, later that day I get a call from her number and it was her female cousin asking me out for last night; which i couldn't go because I had plans. So we made plans for tonight. She ALWAYS has her cousin call.


So my question is...Why does she get her cousin to call me instead of calling me herself? (I've already asked her out so can it still be that she's shy?) It's not that I mind; it's just a weird tactic. And if she's into playing games, I'm going to have to let her go.

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You said that her cousin 'always' calls. How often has she done this, instead of the girl you like? On some occasions, there could be a good reason she asks her cousin to do it for her, e.g. feeling ill. One time I needed to make arrangements to meet a friend, and I was so tired, that my boyfriend arranged the meeting for me. If she does it all of the time, and all of the time is often, this is strange. If in practice 'always' is only a few times, give her the benefit of the doubt, and casually ask her sometime, why she gets her cousin to do the phoning. It's a little early to think this is a sign of game-playing.

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