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ARGH!!!! It's getting under my skin

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So here's the deal...I'm in college right now, I like my classmates and all, but there is ONE THING that really gets to me cuz this has happened to me at my old job, back in high school and in junior high and it continues on today. It seems like the things that I like or do are things to make fun of me. For example, my classmates know I'm a big Britney Spears/ teeny-bopper fan. (even tho I'm in college) and they know I like Linkin Park, Good Charlotte and a lot of other music or that I do a lil N'SYNC dance once and awhile. Yes it bothers me thet they make fun of me and in a way it doesn't bother me cuz I don't care what they say, it's the fact that whatever topic they want to make fun of me about, goes on constantly everyday or every other day and it get's sickening after awhile (and people wonder why I'm an angry little boy) What am I supposed to do? I've tried to talk to them, they end up saying "ohh...just joking".



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Make fun of yourself first, dont be on the defensive, heck Im 41 and like Britney, not so much for her talent (ok) but damn shes hot. Shakira too. anyway, im drifting, lol. dont make it a big deal, when they snicker sniker also, laugh with them. that will bug them, they will stop.


Good attitude Musicguy, you shouldnt care what they think. that makes you an independent thinker and creative. (that scares the sheep).

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hey musicguy


yeah gilgamesh has the right idea. act like it doesnt bother you. thats what they want. you could either laugh and make fun of yourself aswell, but im not sure if this would give them a sign that its ok to do it. another option is to completely ignore it. if they make a comment just walk away, or change the subject to something completely different or say "yeah whatever".......


you could be really sneeky and turn the game on them. you could turn what they're making fun of you for, into a good thing. like if they tease you about britney spears, you could comment "well i guess its a normal thing for us straight guys eh! heheh" if they're not gay that should get on them abit hehehe. just things like that. play with it a bit.


goodluck, i hope it turns out well.



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i would have to say learn to live with it, not in a negative sense that im saying this but just dont take in what there saying or if you do dont let them see that its affecting you. people play on what they know hurts or embarresses you.

and even they do joke how much you betting deep inside theyve got a secret that they know any second someone could tell and ruin or tease them the way they have you.


the thing is you have to learn to laugh at yourself in life, and through that things seem to be that tad bit easier to handle. have a joke, just enjoy life and dont allow small people like that to crush the way your feeling.


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