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Men's Phsycial Apperance, GIRLS HELP!


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I have some questions regarding phsyical apperances for GIRLS please.


Firstly, I am about 5'11, 140lbs, medium dirty blond hair, eyes that change colors from green, blue, or mixture, I'm somewhat fit (I work my arms and my chest a little bit, but not too much). I'm fairly white (I'm Irish, lol). I suffer from minor acne, which REALLY bothers me


My main question is regarding the acne. It's a real big problem for me. I find myself wearing jackets or clothes that I can use to cover my face. Right now I have some acne along side my neck to my jawbone. It isn't HORRIBLE by any means, but it's seriously a physological issue for me. I have some small spots here and there every once awhile too. Does this really bother girls? Do you find it replusive. My girlfriend always tells me that I'm SOOOOO hot but I don't believe her at all because I just find the idea of acne replusive. I've always believed you should look your best, and how are you suppost to look your best with red spots on your face?? I'm seeking treatment for this right now, but sometimes it comes up. Please let me know what you think! Thanks.

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If your girlfriend thinks that you are still hot despite the zits, then you probably are. Most girls, if they were to date someone, would at least hint on fixing the problem, they would at least say something about it. If a guy has moderate acne problem, then it wouldn't disturb me that much.


There are some informercials about this product called P_____, something, I forgot the name of the product, but it's the one w/Vanessa Williams. Anyway, 2 of my friends, who have a major acne problem, used it, and it worked like a miracle.


Another thing that might help is to buy a facial steamer, which steams your face, heats up your zit, and cleans out your pores so that it kills the bacteria from your pimples. It is a natural way of clearing up acne. I bought one for my ex, and it worked. However, when he stopped using it, his acne came back.


I think that if your g/f is not complaining, then you're fine. However, acne is somewhat disturbing if there's too much. I mean I wouldn't want to go out w/someone who looks like a cherry tree, with a whole bunch of zits ready to squirt on me. J/K (That's really to the extreme, I know some guys with this problem, and they don't have g/fs). I mean really, if your zits and blackheads look overly huge, with profusely sweating/oily skin, and with whiteheads about to pop out at you, then you have an issue.


Just take it one step at a time. Also, Neutrogen helps. Try Neutrogena's Non-Alcholic toner. Oh, and use all of these products all at once. First, soap. Second, steam. Third, soap again. Fourth, rinse. Fifth, toner. I'm pretty sure that your conditions not too bad. I know what you mean about self esteem issue, my bestfriend has lots of acne, she looks beautiful, but she thinks that she looks ugly. Guys still hit on her. So, I'm pretty sure you're being somewhat hard on yourself.

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I know I'm being very hard on myself. You can't tell that I have any facial problems unless you come within like a few feet of me. They aren't that visiable, but I just want them gone for good. It's embarrassing to the point that sometimes I don't want to do something with people, and I just want to stay home. I know I'm definatly over reacting about this part, because it isn't that bad at all. I just have a few reds spots, but thats enough to cause me discomfort. I have excellent hygien. I take two showers a day sometimes, and my face doesn't look oily.


That's an interesting suggestion with the face steamer. Do you have any idea how much one of those might cost?


Thanks for the suggetions. Please keep them coming.

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Well there's two companies that I know which sell them. One is Conair, you might find that at the local Wal-Mart or Sears, but I don't like this brand. My friend bought it, and it was really crappy and weak. The steam hardly came out. Another brand that my aunt bought was from one of these little ghetto shops, it's one of those imported brands from China, but it works great.


I think that the U.S. gov.'t doesn't allow that product in the U.S., b/c of U.L. standards, but you might want to ask the people working at the esthetician shops or day spas where they get there supplies at, and then find a company that might sell one.


Another tip is to boil hot water in pot, and then just take off the stove and then place a towel over yoiur head, and kind of do a teepee thing, put your face over the steam and cover yourself with the towel so that heat won't escape. But, that's too dangerous.


Yeah, but steaming to me, is the best solution. You're not putting chemicals on your face, and everything is natural. However, when steaming, you don't want to wipe your face with a towel, b/c the bacteria stays in the towel, and every time you wipe your face, bacteria clings more to open pores, and it could make it worse. You should use cotton swabs, and don't use paper towels or kleenex, b/c the cotton fibers will also clog your pores.


And about your situation, standing within a feet to really notice your pimples is really not a big deal. Maybe, you're just shy in general. I really don't think that you should prevent yourself from hanging out with others. Or perhaps subconsciously, it's all this t.v. stuff that makes you feel insecure. Media always portrays people as having this perfect image, as if you have to be a certain way to look 'socially acceptable'. I'm pretty sure that you're a nice person, and if people were to judge you based on appearance, then I think that they're too shallow to be a part of your life anyway.

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First off, from a guy who's been there... a decent girl looks past it anyway, especially since it's not a permenant disfigurement. If she says you're "hot", believe her. She sees you, not your acne.


Having had acne pretty badly, I can make the following suggestions if you're looking for ways to improve it:


1. My main problem was that I washed my face too often. This becomes almost a "skin addiction", where it just produces more oil and over-compensates for the dry skin.


2. Most facial cleansers (oxy-pads, creams) don't work well. Some do for some people, give them a shot... but don't over-do ANYTHING.


3. Proactiv Solution (I think that's what you were looking for, mahlina). I tried this, and it seemed to help, but it costs a fortune, and was definitely not worth what I paid. As you can see by Mike's post above, this is only my personal experience so it can't hurt to try.


4. This is what worked best for me and many others I know

Prescription oral medication. The one that did wonders for me was "minocyclene" (not 100% sure if that's spelled correctly, but it's close). From what I recall, it is similar to Tetracyclene - which I know has helped many others. I'm not sure if the medication had anything to do with permanantly getting rid of my acne, but either way... it's gone now.


All in all, if it's nothing major, you're probably stressing out too much about it... and that never helps in itself. But I would suggest talking to your doctor about the prescription meds, from my experience. Either way, they usually disappear with time, so don't get too hung up on it. You're definitely not alone with it.


Hope that helps!


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In my experience, I have found tea tree oil to be quite effective.


Other than that, I just be careful of what I eat, and I have no problems anymore... I now consume plenty of fruit, vegetables, and water, and avoid chocolate, soft drinks, and junk food if I can.

You are what you eat!


... But, it does sound like you are overreacting a little... =)

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About the acne, just incase you still wish to be rid of it asap, look up your local dermatologist. They did wonders on my acne. And also, wash your face about 3x a day, but like secret_agent_man said, dont overdo anything to your face, it can cause irritation and/or even more skin irritations. Cheers, to good health and clear skin

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  • 4 weeks later...

Its not about just looking your best. Its about projecting our best. That comes from within.


if your girl says you are hot as many other people have said believe her. She values you that is more important then anything else. You are lucky.


Pay attention to this: If you keep worrying about it and keep comlaining to your girlfriend she will leave you. She will leave you if you do not get over your insecurity. if you do not respect yourself she will not either. Stop worrying about the acne, or if you are do something professional about it but whatever you do do not bring the subject up again to your girl and do not let her see you fuss with your face. Be a man. From what you describe it does not seem so bad.


I'm in my late twenties and I still have acne. I have had it ever since I was 13. I have to wash my face often and its something I have learned to live with. I can't take the prescription or the proactive stuff because I am allergic to all that stuff.


My last 2 girlfriends were models. The last one was in Playboy. Saturday I had 2 chicks tell me how hot I was at a party. Its not about the face. Its about the man. The whole package makes the man not the face.


but I can sympathize with you. in high school it destoryed my social life. But looking back on everything I grew some really tough skin that now shows in my perserverence and confidence.


The thing that worked for me was an herb called Oregon Grape Root. Its a blood purifier, its good for the skin. IT takes a few weeks for it to work but it makes your skin more vibrant and reduces the amount of acne as long as you wash your face. Then again it does not work for everyone. ALso you need to look it up online to make sure you are not allergic to it or antyhing. Any herb is still a medicine so a person needs to be careful.

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