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Art exhibition update!

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Hi people!

for those who know the story "inviting him", weeell... it was a GREAT night and im SO SO happy i haven't felt this happy in a very long time.


Basically, he didn't come. At first I was so so sad that I did not see him walk through the doors the whole night. But then, at about 10pm he sent me the sweetest text.. it said-


"I'm so sorry I couldn't come. I injured my leg in football yesterday and the dr said its best i rest today I just wrote you a long text which i was about to send but then I realised it was probably too OTT for our situation. But i want to say that I'm so proud of you and you should be too. You dont know how much i wish i could have been there. I'm sure it was a big success. I'm sorry and congradulations!!"


How lovely?!!?


Anyway the exhibition was just really successful and im so happy to be pro active rather than sitting in my room all day long. I just feel so positive. And I met a guy there who i really liked, i felt like we had a connection. He took my card i dont know if he'll ever call me because i think he's really out of my league/may have a girlfriend , but who knows.

i just feel really great.


and im so happy me a nd the ex are on such good terms. I feel like no matter what happens in life he's always care about me on a deeper level.

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I hope you are more excited about the personal accomplishment of your art exhibition and the doors that will open up to you on a professional level..because I really don't see that from your post...your post seems to gauge your success on one guy who you connected with for possible dating and another guy who is your ex who you are pleased feels a deeper connection with you. I assume the purpose of the art exhibition was about career advancement not about your dating life. Sorry to rain on your parade but I find it very distressing when talented women are more concerned about which guy likes them rather than on focusing on their career aspirations...in my field it would be the equivalent of going to a scientific conference to network for a boyfriend rather than career opportunities. Being invited to display your work at an art exhibition is a BIG thing...something that you should be proud of in its own right...I am sorry you didn't enjoy your moment in the sun until after you got the text from your ex. The reality is that your ex may be proud of you as any friend would be proud...but that doesn't mean he wants to re-connect in a relationship with you. The guy who took your card may actually be thinking in terms of business rather than pleasure...and that would actually be a good thing to make business connections.

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hey thanks for your post! of course i was feeling extremely positive i got huge feedback for my art and everyone was interested etc. i had a few commissions and it was a great feeling.

But im sorry, you can't say its a negative thing that i seem to be more pysched about my situation with the ex/the guy i met who is interesting, than my work. Because at the end of the day, even with all the success in the world with regards to career prospects, its only People who can really make you happy in life. A fulfilled heart is the most rewarding thing i can imagine.

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You have to have a fulfilled life outside of a partner...ifyou look to a partner to make you happy in life you will end up going down the same road lots of women go down who put all their happiness into the notion of having a man and when the man leaves their world is suddenly empty and devoid of meaning. Sure, it is great to have a partner, but in the end it is your accomplishments and your own inner happiness which will determine if you are happy in life.

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What CAD said, I absolutely agree 100%. I'll just add one thing: you're obviously very talented and driven. That should be very fulfilling for you. The fact that this also contributes toward making you a good catch is just icing on the cake...but it shouldn't be the cake. If that makes any sense.

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