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How soon is ok to start dating again?


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Ok broke up with a gf about a couple weeks ago. She's being really really cold on me, and it's affected me. Doesn't pick up the phone nor reply to my messages, period.


Anyways, I've been having a tough time trying to let her go and moving on. I know though, that this won't take too long because we weren't together that long, and our bond wasn't THAT strong, being that I had issues with her honesty.


My question to you guys is, am I ready to move on and date others? I don't want to rush into anything new and have it end up in flames. I doubt that will happen though... but I really don't care to be heartbroken or break someone else's heart again any time soon.


So, when are you ready for a new relationship?

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If you are feeling up to it you can date again but do not set high goals with this new lady, you might start out as friends until you think you are ready to commit to someone. But, how you feel deep down in you should determine if you want to date again, not just because you've met someone you think is hot so you want to rush you back into the dating scene.

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If you are feeling up to it you can date again but do not set high goals with this new lady, you might start out as friends until you think you are ready to commit to someone. But, how you feel deep down in you should determine if you want to date again, not just because you've met someone you think is hot so you want to rush you back into the dating scene.


I really hate the feeling after a breakup (being a dumper or dumpee), so from now on I'm gonna be more cautious. First I'm just not going to invest too much too quickly, and second, I'm gonna be much more selective. If I sense something wrong from the start, I'm just gonna end it before I get heartbroken later on.


With the girl that just dumped me, there were early signs that bothered me. I was just too attracted to her to listen to my instincts. Now look where I am.

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Thanks man. I wish I'd known about this site years ago. I would've avoided making all sorts of stupid moves that messed up a couple of my previous relationships.


that's why i post so much. to try and save some of you guys from the crap i've been through. and there is a lot.

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