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I am living with my mom in a well populated retirement city (near Palm Springs, Ca). Ive been here for about a year and a half to get my finances together and get more classes under my belt for school. I am about a year away from graduating with my bachelors. I have a secure life out here- nice job, enough money, no struggles. My dilemma is the dating scene out here SUCKS!! There are little to no men around my age and the ones that are are losers(im not having a bad attitude or exaggerating). I am going to be 27 in June and would reallllly like to have the opportunity to date or even have a boyfriend(and more girlfriends as well). I have caught up financially now but what I am worried about is the year left I have of school. I would have to change my whole life- find a new job, change schools, and most likely be poor again to live in a more young hip area. Is it all worth it so I can date and have a better social life? Will I even have time for a social life? Ive been dating for about six years now with no serious relationships and recently have barely dated in the last year. I feel like im getting old, looking old, all of my friends are now partnered up and I feel panicky. Also I am very extroverted and outgoing and I am going crazy wanting to be more social. I want to flirt! Does anyone have any advice or has anyone gone through a similar situation? I feel like im in a catch 22.

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Plus what if you dont find a job and get financially insucure...then...you have to drop out of school or loose your car... thinks of every possible scenerio...then add a boyfriend to the mix...lol nothing but trouble! I have a husband, and a 2 year old son. Plus a job. I was going to school, but had to drop out this semester, between a unexpected move, and needing to work for the money...It was just TOO MUCH!!


Once again good luck, and think it through!

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Plus what if you dont find a job and get financially insucure...then...you have to drop out of school or loose your car... thinks of every possible scenerio...then add a boyfriend to the mix...lol nothing but trouble!


Ok well....i wont loose my car because well, my mom pays for it. I have no kids. I have my massage license which I make good money doing and I have student loans. Also I have good work experience so im not worried about finding a job. I am worried about not being able to handle it all. When I said ill be poor again that is because I will pay my bills etc but not do much beyond that because of lack of hours to work due to going to school. I can stay and suffer socially or go and suffer financially.

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