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People make threats for my life on cyberspace


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People take the internet VERY seriously. I have NEVER made true enemies in real life, but in cyberspace I have had people threaten to kill me, or inflict some kind of harm. On msg board forums ppl take their reputation to heart, and it doesn't make sense to me. You'll never see these poeple in real life and what you do on the internet has no real impact on your real life. At least it shouldn't.


Why do ppl get so angry by what anonymous posters say? Why do they take the net so seriously??

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It's so easy to get into a war with somebody on an internet site when it just doesn't accomplish anything. There's a lack of accountability and false courage because you never have to look the other person in the face, you're never seen by others as personally acting poorly as well.


I learned a long time ago to put the annoying folks on my block or ignore list and then my online experience is so much less stressful. It avoids many arguments starting in the first place.

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Years ago a troll on an unmoderated board I enjoyed went semipostal and got a local friend's phone number. He'd call in the wee hours calling him vile names and scream at him over some small disagreement about their shared hobby. It took some real work to make this idiot stop doing this to a number of people.


That board is a ghosttown these days.


There was a recent case of a troll who tracked a guy down and set his house on fire. Truly bizarre.


I'd use caution in cyberspace. I've made some good friends, but have no need for drama.

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People who get taken advantage of in their personal life are probably the people you are referring too?


Some people get tough because they are behind a screen and no one can physically see them so they act like a bully. The people who do that are highly immature and probably don't have any friends in real life.

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I am sure it can be very disturbing to have people make threats even over the internet. It is not a pleasant feeling to have anybody violate your sense of peace and security. I am sorry that this has happened to you. If this has happened on other forums can you report them to the moderators?



I actually regret ever posting on that forum. There is nothing the moderators will do about this behavior because it is encouraged by them. They have a specific subform just so posters can attack each other. Meaning if somebody does't like you, they create a thread dissing you and making fun of you and everyone joins in on it.


I told the posters that I don't care because what goes on cyberspace stays in cyberspace, well she said that this could very well become my life and that she could trace my IP to where I live.


Is this true? And if so, how would she go about doing that?


I am not that invested into a cyberspace beef that I want it to involve my own real life, I separate the two.


I went into the archives and saw that they have a history of looking up members personal info and finding out as much as they can about the other person and exploiting it on that site. I no longer will post there anymore. I deleted it out of my favorite places. It's not that serious and these women are crazy.


They are still bullying me, it's like they refuse to make peace with me. It's getting worse and worse and I have stopped responding. This is awful.

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This is the worst kind of bullying I've ever encountered in my life. The sad thing is is that the forum allows this and will not try to discourage their members from tracking other people's IP address and find out where they live. I don't want anyone invading my privacy like that. Is there any place I can report that forum to?

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This is the worst kind of bullying I've ever encountered in my life. The sad thing is is that the forum allows this and will not try to discourage their members from tracking other people's IP address and find out where they live. I don't want anyone invading my privacy like that. Is there any place I can report that forum to?


The forum can be reported to the police if you believe they are engaging in any illegal activity. If you feel you are being stalked, again you can report it to the police.


Beyond that, consider changing your ISP. I believe it would be tough to trace an IP number through your ISP, particularly if you're on a system that doesn't maintain static IPs. In other words, if you're on dailup and every time you log in you get a random IP (from a set pool of IPs) then it's highly unlikely you could ever be traced that way. However, if you change your ISP, then you'll be operating on a completely different set of IP numbers and thereforeeee all that more difficult to trace.

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Wow, that is pretty scary. Amazing what people can find on the internet...no privacy anymore. I have no idea about tracing the IP and the address but then again I have better things to do with my life than spend my time tracking people's IPs and doing internet spying. I did not realize that there are forums which encourage this kind of behaviour...but I guess I shouldn't be surprised since TV is full of "reality shows" which encourage bullying, insulting, rejecting and downright cruel behaviour. Just stick to sites like ENA which are there to encourage and help people rather than put them down.

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Wow, that is pretty scary. Amazing what people can find on the internet...no privacy anymore. I have no idea about tracing the IP and the address but then again I have better things to do with my life than spend my time tracking people's IPs and doing internet spying. I did not realize that there are forums which encourage this kind of behaviour...but I guess I shouldn't be surprised since TV is full of "reality shows" which encourage bullying, insulting, rejecting and downright cruel behaviour. Just stick to sites like ENA which are there to encourage and help people rather than put them down.


Yeah, I deleted that place out of my favorite places. I checked a few times and they are still talking really bad about me.


The worst thing is, the threads in that subforum are NEVER deleted meaning it will exist forever. So, whenever the gang is bored and have nothing to do they go into the subforum, and start trashing you again. It goes on forever and forever and forever. A person told me that eventually it will die down, but I must have ticked off the wrong person because they are gung-ho on trashing me for as long as possible. It's like if I try to be nice to them they get even worse.


I'm so glad that this isn't real life. This type of behavior is unacceptable and scarry. And they take everything you say sooo seriously...like this is real life and it matters.

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I think it is probably best if you don't visit that forum and let them trash talk you until they find someone else...which chances are they will. The beauty of online is that you can choose to not go to a site...you can just walk away...unlike dealing with bullies at work or amongst friends and family.

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Someone can find out where you live by your IP. And if they're talented enough they can find out your IP right from the forum...


Any feature on a site or program is a feature that can be abused. Moderators have access to peoples IP's because they have privileges set to their account. That code is written in the site somewhere, but only activated for accounts who are flagged as moderators. Like I said anything built in can be abused and used maliciously. Someone whose tech savvy and code literate can use that feature to their advantage.


With your IP, under false credentials, a person could find out where you live in as little as a few questions to your ISP.


Granted these acts are very illegal, as well as making personal threats. More than likely someones not as smart to do such things or if they are they know the consequences of prison. Can't hack computers and watch anime in prison...


The internet is a very dangerous place. A person, with a little bit of computer knowledge could ruin your life, put you into debt, steal your identity, make your life a complete hell just by sending you a file and using some program(made by real hackers) to operate your computer remotely. The computer world calls them script kiddies. And although they don't know their head from their * * * * they can do a lot of damage.

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Very enlightening. I think there is software where you can surf the net anonymously...like a proxy or something? Does that really work? If so, I'd like to invest in one.


I take my real life VERY seriously and always choose to remain anonymous. I never reveal my identity or believe in taking cyberfriendships into the real world. Cyberfriends STAY cyberfriends with me.


The reason why is because I have witnessed on message board forums where people meet up in real life, and when things don't work out, they go back to the forum where they met and create threads trashing the person and exposing details of their real life for entertainment. Like posting pictures of the person and their family, giving their phone number out to other members so they can harass them. Reallly crazy psycho mess. One member paid money to find a woman's marriage certificate (she thought she was lying about bieng married) over some drama and she was going to photoshop it on the internet. This is insane. Who cares if she is lying?? And other members really encourage this behavior because they indulge in it and think it's funny. I find this terrifying. No one even acts like this in real life. It's like the cyberworld turns people crazy or something.

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Proxies can be used. You don't even need to use a program. Go to an IP checker website, check your IP. (google: IP checker)


Then find a free proxy list site. (google: Free proxies)


Then if you use internet explorer go to Tools>Internet Options>Connections>Lan Settings> Then check the box that says "Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections). Then enter the address and the port at which you're using. And make sure the box saying "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" is unchecked.


After you set it. Go to that same IP checker website you went to and make sure your real IP(the one that showed up when you first checked your IP) is not showing up.


Using anonymous and high anonymity proxies. Transparent, are exactly as they sound, transparent.


I think real good IP checkers can still find your real IP through the mask(the proxy).

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If ppl are threating you on msg boards then you should report it to a moderator or administrator and there IP will get banned. Simple as that. Now most of the time its from wanna b punks who are to scared to do anything and probably wont but you dont know for sure. It only takes on person on that site to threaten you and then in the end you it comes to reality and they do what they said they will do.

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If ppl are threating you on msg boards then you should report it to a moderator or administrator and there IP will get banned. Simple as that. Now most of the time its from wanna b punks who are to scared to do anything and probably wont but you dont know for sure. It only takes on person on that site to threaten you and then in the end you it comes to reality and they do what they said they will do.


It's actually allowed. They have a subforum where you create a thread about a person you don't like, and then you start mocking them and hurling insults at them. Anything goes. It's a place for you to wage a war against somebody you don't like, and often it turns into 100 ppl on one person constantly cracking jokes and making fun of you. Sometimes they'll even post your pic up and make fun of how you look or expose your personal info to harass you. Luckily, I have my anonymity. But a forum that operates like that should be shut down IMO

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You might want to google a program called tor (AKA the onion router) this is proxy is really good because it requires you to run a program which uses your computer's broadband to contribute to the project.



Getting back to the forum, your best bet is to not go back there. They will talk about you for a while, but then they will get bored, and move on to someone else. And as far as your IP and ISP go, yes mods do you have access to your IP address which in turn could give them information about your ISP, however in order for your ISP to release your contact they need a legitimate reason or a maybe even a court order o release that information, which I doubt these idiots would go through the trouble doing.

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