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I have got a Knife right now to kill myself

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Ok, but what is it that you want to hear that hasn't been said already?


The first step in getting help, is helping yourself. Secondly, stop threatening to kill yourself every 5 seconds if someone isn't posting in this thread.


What is it about your life that you would like to see change?

Don't say..'everything'. Give me details.

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please stop calling me an attention seeker i am not a lyer and everyone knows that and i am different to other teenagers


You are seeking attention, and you have lied. Am I wrong? no...

If you really wanted to kill yourself, you would have like 200 posts back, when you kept saying you were going to.


Now, answer my question...are you taking any kind of medicine? Are you seeing a therapist? What can YOU do to change your life to make it better?


No one around you can make you happy if you can't even make yourself happy. See what I'm saying here?

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i am not on medicine and i am not seeing a theripist and maybe if i had more time in privacy from little kids and tidying up it might help


Do you have siblings that you have to care for? If so, how old are they, and how much do you watch over them?

You need to talk to someone about getting you set up to get therapy. Then a therapist can get you on meds that will help level your emotions out.


I know a couple of ppl here who are seeking help, that live in the UK. Do you want me to pm them and see if they can help you get that set up?

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